2 minute read
tllV 6l@uonik Str'uf . .
By laah Siotna
Age not guaranteed---Some I havc told lor 2O years---Some Less
The Green Recruit
"'Who goes there?" demanded the green recruit, on picket duty at night, and for the first time.
"Officer of the day," came the prompt answer.
"Advance officer of the day," said the recruit, "and tell me, what the Hell are you doing out at night?"
Northern California Lumber Merchants to L. A. Office of Hallinan Mackin Co. Hold Convention Oct. 30 - Nov. 1
Announcement is made that the annual convention of the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California will be held at Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, Calif., on October 30, 31 and November 1.
A program of great interest to the dealers has been planned. details of rvhich will be announced later.
Moved to Garland Building
Hallinan I\{ackin Co., Ltd. recently closed their warehouse and yard in Los Angeles and moved their office to the W. M. Garland Building, ll7 W. 9th Street, where they will conduct a general wholesale lumber business.
R. H. Fleming is manager of the office. Elmer Williams, formerly with W. E. Cooper, Los Angeles, has been added to the sales staff.
Just Wonderin'
I wonder if you are sometimes tantalized by half forgotten things-broken bits of verse, illusive strains of melody and stray fragments of old songs you once loved to sing. I am.
They come quite unbidden, these little waifs from the past, to flit through memory's echoing halls and taunt us with our inability to fit them into once familiar patterns or restore them to the structures from which thev have so wantonly escaped.
One day when I failed to recall the title of an old song, which there was every reason for remembering, I composed a few lines made up of song titles I had not forgotten, and kept them at hand-just in case.
I submit these lines to you. Now when you wish to sing old songs take out this list, select a favorite of other days, recall the words of two or three stanzas, and of course the tune, and lift up your voice in song.
Oh, Where is the Old Oaken Bucket, Ben Bolt?
Said Bessie the Maid of Dundee, When they met on the Trail of the Lonesome Pine, In the Shade of The Old Apple Tree.
Alice, Where Art Thou? said Old Robin Grey, To Genevieve, After the Ball;
While Rory O'More and Peggy O'Neil Kissed. Over the Garden Wall.
Then fair Annie Laurie met Robin Adair
On The Bridge, neath The Mistletoe Bough, "There's a Light in the Window, for me," he averred, "But, I'm Far From Me Hame, dear, just now."
The Mocking Bird warbled a lay Sweet and Low, In the Gloaming, they rambled along; Mid Moonlight and Roses, much later they paused At the sound of the Whippoorwill's song.
My Grandfather's Clock told the hours'as they passed, Three O'clock in the Morning, f fear, Late so Late for a maid to be out In The Long, Long Ago, so I hear.
The Blue Bells of Scotland were ringing that night, Little Buttercup winked at Our Jack, Dear, fond, foolish songs, Forgotten, you're not, For I hear You Calling Me Back. -A.
Merriam Conner.