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Home Office-Aberdeen" Wcstr"

lllanulaclurers of Douglas fir and Red Gedar Shingles Wcrter cnd RciI Delivery

Stecmrers-Annc Schder cnrd Mcrgqret Schcrler

Buying Ollice-Reedsport, Ore.

Sales Representative ol Robert Gray Shingle Go., Inc. and Gardiner Lunber Go. Sqles

Northern Calilornia District Office o[ F. H. A. Has 7 -Yeat Mortgage Total o[ $s00,000,000

Five hundred million dollars ! That's the figure chalked up on the FHA scoreboard this week, while the Northern California district office of the Federal Housing Administration observes its seventh anniversary.

The amount represents home mortgages selected for appraisal and loans insured for the repair and modernization ,of existing buildings within the 46 counties of the district since the first loan was insured here seven years ago.

The FHA district office was opened August 16, 1934, with a staff of three. D. C. McGinness, present district director, was one of the original trio, then serving in the capacity of assistant. Since that time this governmental agency has served 273,235 individual families with a total volume of $5n,238,597 invested in better housing in this area through the facilities of FHA.

Mortgages were selected for appraisal on 98,033 small homes in Northern California for a total of $44O,375,50O. An additional 2263 low-priced houses were built under Title I, the FHA 1S-year plan, at a cost of $5,413,300, and since last April, when the FHA defense housing amendment became effective, mortgages amounting to $2,797,2ffi have been selected on 732 homes now being built in designated defense areas under the recently enacted Title VI.

Under the property improvement credit plan, through which FHA insures loans for the repair and modernization of residential, business, industrial and farm structures, 172.207 local loans have been insured for a total of W,652,597.

No government funds are involved in this substantial investment in better housing, it was pointed out by Mr. McGinness, since FHA does not lend money, but insures loans made by local approved lending institutions.

Indicative that the brisk home building program in this district is going forward with ever-increasing momentum is the fact that during the first seven months of this year more homes were built under FHA inspection and construction requirements than during the entire tr,l'elve months of any year, except 1940.

New homes built under FHA inspection in Northern California are shown by mortgages selected for appraisal to be:

In addition, Mr. McGinness said, mortgages aggregating $179,797,ffi were selected on 42,M1 existing clwellings in this district.

"The latter group," he explained, "includes many instances in which the old style multiple mortgage plan of financing has been supplanted and the entire indebtedness against the property included in a single, long term FHA insured mortgage. This practice not only is possible, but desirable, when the borrower's equity in the property amounts to 20 percent or more of the actual appraised value."

Surveys conducted by the Federal Housing Administration indicate that housing conditions still are cramped in a majority of Northern California's rapidly growing communities, especially in defense industrial areas, and vacancies in rental multi-family dwellings are reported considerably below normal.

\(/estern Pine Association Holds Semi-Annual Meeting

President J. M. Brolr'n of Spokane, Wash., presided at the semi-annual meeting of the Western Pine Association held at the Palace Hotel, August 13 and 14.

The Executive and Economics, Grading, Promotion, Research, Statistical and Traffic committees met on Wednesday, August 13. The board of directors met on Thursday morning.

An important feature of the meeting was the talk by I. N. Tate of St. Paul on the public relations program to educate the public to a better understanding of the lumber industry. Mr. Tate spoke for F. K. Weyerhaeuser, chairman of the National Lumber Relations Committee, who had expected to attend the meeting. He asked for support of the program for which a fund of $300,000 is to be raised.

The Association voted support for the fund to the extent of.26 per cent of the total raised by the various producing regions.

The panel discussion on trade promotion staged by A. J. Glassow of Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., Bend, Ore., chairman of the Trade Promotion committee, was also a big feature of the meeting. Mr. Glassow and four members of his committee, five staff members and the Association advertising counsel participated, each having an individual microphone.

Those taking part in addition to the chairman were W. F. Baird, Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, Calif.; W. B. Laughead, Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, Calif.; Homer Jamison, Byles-Jamison Lumber Co., Fresno, Calif., and George Holden, McGoldrick Lumber Co., Spokane, Wash., members of the Trade Promotion committee; N. L. Cary, Leon Stoddard, S. V. Fullaway, Jr., staff members; J. W. Sherar and A. A. Peterson, field men, and A. H. Dewees and Carl Eastman of N. W. Ayer & Son, San Francisco.

The secretary-manager was authorized to invest up to $100,000 of the Association's funds in Defense bonds.

The reports and recommendations of the standing committees were made by the chairmen as follows: J. M. White, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Weed, Calif., Research; Jack Root, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Bonner, Mont., Statistical; W. E. f,amm, Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Ore., Grading; A. J. Voye, Big Lakes Box Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., Traffic; A. J. Glassow, Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., Bend, Ore., Promotion; J. M. Brown, Long Lake Lumber Co., Spokane, Wash., Economics.

Unemployment Shows Decline

The numbers of persons unemployed in the United States declined from6,2O2,W in May to 5,772,ffi in June, the lowest figure since February, 1930. Employment in June was the largest on record, with 47,137,00O persons employed as compared with 42,325,000 in the corresponding month last year, an increase of 4.812.000.

Get uniform, dependoble quolity, higher strengfh ol oll oges. nof iust good cement, buf cement predictobly ot its besf. Speciol "wet-process'/ monufoc: turing, occurote loborofory control for chemicol soundness, ond low mognesio content mqke qn importonl difference!

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