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We specialize in fine Hardwoods and Timbers.

crrrd Bronnor Scrr Frqrrc'uco SUtter 1385

Roll- O - Seal Windows Increasing in Popularity

Roll-O-Seal, a nerv roller bearing double-hung rvindorv, originated and developed by Judson Murplry, is irrcreasing in popularity among Pacific Coast contractors and architects. Roll-O-Seal is nr:r<le of kiln-dried Ponderosa Pine with rabbeted or tong'ue grooved joints.

Tl.re window has a balance {astener that can be unhooked readilv. rabbeted sill rvith a 3 to 12 bevel, a non-corroding cadmium plated channel u'ith a Tenite II plastic roller recessed into the stile of the sash that bears on the face of the jamb' The metal channel has curved edges that rest in two grooves in the jamb face, the roller rides in a third central groove to guide the sash and prevent rattling, sticking or binding against jamb.

Top or bottom sash can be removed in apprrlximately 15 seconds by lovi'ering or raising 6 inches, unhooking the balance (see illustration) and pressing on the rvindow. lVhen closed and locked the sash cannot be removed. Integral stock trim measures | 5/16 inches in width in several available designs. Mullion post width between r.vindows is | 9/16 inches. Sampson screen is standard equipment. Non-corrosive rveatherstrip all around is available to specification. Standard sizes are l'd' x 2' to 4' 6' x 6'5", and a bathroom unit in sizes from 1 to 3 feet.

Copper-clad Sisalkraft is used as rveathertight insulation on all windows manufactured by ltoll-O-Seal, roller bearing windows rvhich are distributed locally by the San Pedro Lumber Company, Los Angeles, Calif.

Philipplne Manufacturers' lmport Assn. to Meet September 15 -16

The adjourned annual meeting of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association will be held at Grove Park Inn., Asheville, North Carolina, on September 15 and 16.

Many of the members will also attend tl-re annual meeting of the National Hardwood Lumber Association in Atlanta, Ga., on September l8 and 19.

Officers of the Association are W. G. Scrim, FindlayMillar Timber Co., Los Angeles, president; H. R. Black, Black & Yates, Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y., vice-president; G. W. Cheney, Dant & Russell, Portland, Ore., secretarytreasurer, and G. W. Purchase, Los Angeles, assistant secr eta ry - t rea s u fer.


S. R. (Sam) Hubbard, of the Hubbard-Constant Lumber Co., retail lumber dealers witll main yard at Ottawa, Kansas, is spending two weeks in l-os Angeles on vacation. He is accompanied by Mrs. Hubbard.

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