1 minute read

tTlV t]a,uo'/ilfP Sh'uf

By lecA Siaaaa

Age not guarantecd---Some I have toldlor 20 ycars-"Some Less


A t'pub " in Engiand was weil fiiled one night with soldiers on leave, drinking, singing, talking' Two men in uniform strike up a quick friendship, and are soon "buddies." One of them, a typical English "Tommie," conceives a deep and sudden friendship for his new friend' He assures him many times of his afrection'

Suddenly it occurred to the befuddled brain of "Tommie" that he did not know the particular army afiEliation of his

Robert Bonner In Army

Robert Bonner, of Gamerston & Green Lumber Co', San Francisco, has been accepted by the Army for officers' training school. He is a son of T. A. Bonner, San Francisco lumberman.

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