2 minute read
One or two medium capacity lumber trucks with rollers.
Robert P. Baugh
5024 Holmes Avenue
Los Angeles, Calif.
Telephone Klmball8236
Twenty Yeaas Ago
from the Septomber l)1o!2) Icsue
H. C. Waugh succeeded to the business Lumber Company in Los Angeles.
Second Hand Machinery Wanted
What have you to sell in woodworking machinery in good condition?
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Mrg. Margaret Bonnington
Mrs. Margaret Bonnington passed away in Oakland on August 23.
O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Company, Santa Ana, returned from a trip to Yellowstone Park, Denver and other cities in the Rocky Mountain region.
George A. Johnson, cia, announced that business with him.
retail lumber he had taken of the Miller yard operator at Benthis son, Alfred, into several years with Pope & Talbot, Charles R. McCormick Company,
This issue carried an article and photographs of the Woods Brothers Company at Santa Cruz.
Floyd W. Elliott, for joined the sales force of San Francisco.
William J. Bettingen purchased the yard of the T. L. Manning Lumber Co. at Monrovia.
San Gabriel Valley that they would build
Lumber Co., San Gabriel, announced a new and modern yard in Arcadia.
Johnson-Anawalt Lumber Company equipped at Montrose with a modern planing mill. its yard of Sudden & Christenson, San L. C. Stewart had been made department. D. R. Else also
District No. 10 won the honors for the largest number of new members initiated into Hoo-Hoo in the year ended August 9, with a total of 130 Kittens. The district comprises California, Arizona and Nevada.
A. B. Cahill, president Francisco, announced that manager of their lumber joined their sales staff.
Wilfred'P. Cooper, Los Angeles manager for J. R. Hanify Co., resigned his position to go into the wholesale lumber business for himself. D. R. Philips, of the company's San Francisco o{fice, succeeded Mr. Cooper as Los Angeles manager.
An article, illustrated with pictures, Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was in of the Hammond this issue.
She was the mother of G. F. Bonnington of LamonBonnington Co., San Francisco, and is also survived by her sons, Francis L., Donald E., Leonard C. and Desmond N. Bonnington, and a daughter, Mrs. Rolla B. Mathews.
Funeral services were held in Oakland on W'ednesday, August 26.
Mrs. Vera B. Sh:vely
Funeral services for Mrs. Vera B. Shively, wife of Alan A. Shively, production manager for E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, was held in the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, on August 26. Rev. Clarence Parlour, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, officiated. She was 41 years of age.
She is survived by her husband; a daughter, Janet Ann Shively; her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Behnenkamp, and a sister, Mrs. Ray M. Holmes.
Edward A. McNamara
Edward A. McNamara, 58, pioneer in the Southwest lumber industry, passed away in Flagstaff, Ariz', August 20. Until he retired last year, he was assistant manager of the Arizona Lumber & Timber Company's mill at Flagstaff.
He is survived by his widow, a daughter and a son.
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith, Williams, Arizona, pioneer, passed away on August 5. He was 65 years of age.
Ife was born in Vomhus, Ireland, and came to this country when a small boy. He came to Williams in 1904 as an employe of the Saginaw & Manistee Lumber Co. and remained almost continuously in the employ of that company until last November when he was forced to retirc owing to illness.
He is survived by his mother, who lives in Vomhus, Ireland, his widow, Mrs. Alice Smith, and a brother, Eric Smith, of Bieber, California.