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A Profitable Itenr for the Dealer
It will pcry you to displqy this Eubcrnk ironing bocrd, with its pcrtented swivel iron recept<rcle, cnd cll moving pqrts fur metcl, not in wod.
\fPB Moves to Up Northwest Lumber To Co-Ordinate Lumber Activities Production For \(/PB
Washington, August 11.-A program to develop further labor participation in the campaign to increase war production of logs and lumber in the Pacific Northwest was announced today by Wendell Lund, director, Labor Production Division, WPB, with the appointment of George Herington, Portland, Ore., as his division's special representative for the Pacific coast log and lumber industry.
Mr. Herington will work with Frederick H. Brundage, recently appointed by WPB Chairman Nelson as Pacific coast log and lumber administrator.
He will also work with the management-labor industry board for the West coast set up by Donald Nelson, and with the AFL and CIO unions in the industry, on problems of effective utilization of labor, reduction in high labor turnover rates, increase of efficiency and production, and the development of labor-management plant committees wherever practicable. Special union representatives, one from the fnternational Woodworkers of America, CIO, and the other from the lumber and sawmill workers affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, AFL, will be appointed to work with Mr. Herington.
Mr, Herington has had long experience in labor relations in the Pacific coast, has been on the staff of the Farm Security Administration, adjusted claims of lumber companies growing out of the last war, and has a Ph.D. in engineering from Oregon State College.
Floor Covering Distributors Subject To Licensing Provisions
San Francisco, Aug. 21.-The registration and licensing' provisions of the general maximum price regulation are incorporated in maximum price regulation No. 65 (resale floor coverings), the Office of Price Administration announced today.
The action was effected through issuance of amendment No. 1 to maximum price regulation No. 65 and was taken -to reiterate to distributors of floor coverings that they are subject to the licensing provisions in the general maximum price regulation. These provisions were applicable May 11, 1942, to all persons selling at wholesale the commodities covered by the regulation as well as commodities covered by other schedules and regulations.
Washington, D. C., August 25.-Ben Alexander, recently assistant chief of the Bureau of Industry Branches of WPB, has been appointed a special assistant for lumber to A. I. Henderson, deputy director general for Industry Operations, WPB.
Mr. Alexander will co-ordinate the activities of the WPB Lumber and Lumber Products Branch, the Labor Production Division, the Office of Civilian Supply, and the Conservation Division insofar as they relate to lumber.
He will also work closely with the armed services, the Maritime Commission, the War Manpower Commission, the Office of Price Administration, and other government agencies to assure that the essential requirements for lumber are fulfilled.
Over-all lumber requirements this year for military uses, war housing, and essential civilian needs are estimated at about 38,000,000,000 board feet or 6,000,000,000 board feet greater than estimated production. Shortages in some grades and species, such as airplane lumbers, are especially severe. Insufficient supply of skilled labor is the chief factor in the production lag.
Arthur T. Upson will continue as chief of the Lumber and Lumber Products Branch. WPB.
Two Grades Aircraft Fir Increase in Price
Washington, August l3.-Price increases on two grades of aircraft fir, vitally needed in the war effort, were authorized today by Price Administrator Henderson upon the request of the Lend-Lease Administration and the British Purchasing Commission.
At the same time Mr. Henderson established a maximum price for a new grade of aircraft fir, specifications for which had been drawn up by the procurement division, United. States Treasury.
These actions were taken in amendment No. 4 to maximum price regulation No. 26 (Douglas fir and other WestCoast lumber). The ceiling price of first grade is increased from $13O per one thousand feet board coyerage to $145. The price of grade A is increased from $100 to 9115 and a ceiling of $90 is set for the new grade Y.