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This mark is yotr asEuf,anee of thoroughly, properly, and uniformly tr(ih Dried Ponderos. Pine Lunbcr, Mouldings, and Cut Stock EVERY month of EVERY year.
Klamath palle, Oregon
Cmtral Cdifornia Reprecentative P)'ramid Lumber Sales Co., Oakland
Ace in First VAild War Reioins Armv-Wife Takes Over Salet Job
Captain Wilfred (Billy) Beaver, district sales manager for E. L. Bruce Co. at Jamestown, New York, and World War I ace, has left for active service with the United States Army Air Corps at an undesignated location. During his absence his wife, Mrs. Jennie Beaver, will carry on with his sales job.
At the time he received his commission Captain Beaver was serving as executive officer of the Jamestown Group
Hoo-HooAnnual Convention Sept. 9-11
The -51st annual convention of the International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo will be held on September 9Il, L942, at the Hotel Schroeder, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Among the convention speakers will be D. S. Montgomery, Milwaukee, Snark of the lJniverse; Charles M. Hines, Chicago, president, Edward Hines Lumber Co., "The Retail Lumber Dealer's Contribution to the War Program"; Herbert A. Vance, Chicago, publisher, American Lumberman, "The Lumber Trade Press, Hoo-Hoo and Trade Associations"; Arthur A. Hood, Johns-Manville Corporation, New York, "Choosing a Career"; C. P. Winslow, Madison, Wis., director, Forest Products Laboratory, "Wood and 'War."
Other highlights will include reports of the officers and members of the Supreme Nine, committee reports, and election of officers and directors. Thursday noon, there will be a buffet luncheon at the Schlitz "Brown Bottle," and a dinuer dance witl be held that evening in the Green Room of the Hotel Schroeder.
Friday morning, the last day of the convention, there will be a meeting of the newly elected officers of the Corporation and members of the Supreme Nine, followed by luncheon and golf at the Tuckaway Country Club in Milwaukee.
of the Civil Air Patrol. which office he had held since the formation of the Group. After joining the army he was sent to Miami Beach, Florida, for several weeks training.
Captain Beaver first won his rank of captain while serving with the Royal Air Force during the first World War. He enlisted in the British army a day or two after the war began and was transferred to the RAF in 1916. He was one of the Allies' greatest aces, being credited with bringing down 19 German planes and was decorated four times.
For the past fourteen years Captain Beaver has been serving as district sales manager of E. L. Bruce Co. Mrs. Beaver has been handling his territory for only a few weeks now but all indications are that she will live up to Captain Beaver's reputation as a capable and highly popular sales representatlve.
Special entertainment has been arranged for the visiting ladies.
Plant Hat Modern Equipment
The Western Mill & Moulding Co., 5941 South Western Ave., Los Angeles, with its modern equipped plant ,are manufacturers of Ponderosa and Sugar Pine mouldings and interior trim. All its custom milling and specialty details are manufactured with the latest type electric Vonnegut moulder.
M. O. Parrick, owner, is well known in lumber circles and has been identified with the millwork industry in Los Angeles for a long period. His organization includes men experienced in the manufacturing business.
Out Of Lumber Business
Builders Supply Company, Gilroy, has retired from the lunnber business for the duration of the war, but is carrying on the hardware business.