1 minute read


Ve invite lumber dealen to talce advantage of our well assorted stocks of PONENO$ PIilE-$UEAN PilE_REDTOOD t0utDil8s-ttLLB0rnDHil Et3 Car and Cargo Shipments ol Hl DttEtstoil & illlBERS f Modem lacilities for quick \ 1 lhipmenb ct our storage Yard I friend, so he asked him: "Hi si, old Toppie, what army are you with, any'ow?"

"\Mhyr" answered the other, who wore the uniform of the Salvation Army workers in the service: "I belong to the Army of the Lord."

The reply brought a serious look to the face of "Tommie.'' "Well, old bloke," he said. "Hi loves you just like I been sayin' I did, but there's one thing you've got to admit, old Chappie-you're a Hell of a long ways from headquarters""

Lafayette Yard Closed

Lafayette Lumber & Supply Co., Lafayette, Calif', liquidated its stock and closed the yard for the duration August 10. Horace S. Corbett, owner' is taking a short vacation' but has not yet announced his plans for the future'

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