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What It Means to Be a Vbyerhaeuser Perrnanent Custorner
HE buying system that makes the most money for a retailer is the one for him to use. There isn't much ar$umenton that score.
In fact, right buyin$ is doubly important today when the cost of doing business is high and the demand for building materials irregular.
Dealers who have not yet found the type of buying connection that fully satisfies them may be interested in the way Weyerhaeuser mills business of their arrangement that handle the Here is an re$ular accounts. many dealers are finding consistently profitable. It may be the very buyrn$ plan you have been seeking.
To sum it up briefly: The main business of the 'Weyerhaeuser mills is not merely to dispose of lumber stocks as they accumulate but to take good care of a group of permanent customersto supply them at the right time and at a fair price with uniform, saleable lumber.
Depending as they do on thesepermanent "connections for the bulk of their business, the Weyerhaeuser mills are vitally interested in the continued success of these customers. Sufficient reason, if there were no others, why these mills go to the limits theydo to make thisbuying ar rangement profitable to their retailer friends.
You catch the spirit of this enlightened service policy in any'Weyerhaeuser logsing camp, mill or office. llere you see mills, facilities and equipment, unexcelled in the industry and manned by a corps of men who for years have been making good lumber.
You see excellent timber-perhaps no better standing-adequate to supply the needs of customers for decades In the mills and in the seasoning yards where knowledge and experience count you see minute attention given to all the details-sizes must be uniform and correctl workmanship first class; grades neither too high nor too lowbut uniform. Every effort is made to ship drylumber, properly seasoned before planing. Rigid rules for loadingareenforced to insure delivery of clean, uninjured stock.
Quick quotations, speedy adjustments, whenever they are necessary, entire satisfaction for every customerthese are a pafi of the plan.
In dealing with the'Weyerhaeuser organ ization you have thewhole-hearted backing of 17 large mills cutting 15 species and shipping from L7 enormous stocks. Two well stocked, strategically located distributing plants handle rush and emergency orderson a24-hour shipping schedule. 'When you do business with one'Weyeihaeuser mill you arerated as a good customer by all of them and you can expect personal serviceno matter with whom you deal.
The Weyerhaeuser representative can tell you more about the plan. Flave him explain how it functions for your benefitandprofit.
2694 UniversityAve. 2o8 S.LaSalleSt. 812 Lexington BIdg. 22oBroadway
Thc Weyerhae*er Sales Company is the combined selling otganiTation of the follo*ing Veyethaeas* Milk and Disnibuting Plants Cloquet Lubet Cr. Cloquet, Miu. Hmbird Lumber Go. Sandpoint, I&ho TheNorthemluperCo.Cloquet, Miu. Edwud Rutledge Timber Co. Cowrd'Alene,Idaho lohmon-Weatworth Co. Ooquat, Mim. Bonm Ferry L-iber Co. Bolaer Fen7,I.{.ho Wod Cpnverion Cr. . CloqucgMi.* SaoqudsicFalbluberCo.SooqualmicFallsr\guh.
Potlatch Luber Co. Potlatch, I&ho Veyerhrcuer Timbc Co. Everett, Voh. Boi*PayettclunbcrCr.. Boirc,Idaho WcyerhmTimbeCo. Beltimrc, Md. Wcvahreur Timber Co. St. Paul, Minn
Aviewof the covered loading shed at the Baltimore plant of the WeyerhaeuserTimber Companyrwhere orders are loaded out the same day that they are received. This plant has become famoue along the easterir ceaboard for its quick chipping oervice.