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Split Redwood Products
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Richard C. (Dick) Jones, sales representative of the Van ,.A.rsdale-Harris Lumber Co., is back at his desk again after enjoying a two weeks' vacation. Dick, who is a golf enthusiast, devoted much of his time on the links and at his office they stated that he was taking two golf lessons every day, which necessitated his staying rather close to home. Later in the month, Hugh Handley says that he is going to take Dick on for eighteen holes to determine the golf champion of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.
Ed Garland Calls On The Valley Trade
Ed Garland, San Francisco, manager of the rail department of the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co., has returned from a several days' trip calling on the trade in the Sacramento Valley and Central California. He reports that the lumber market in the interior of the State continues to show improvement and that all the retail dealers are looking forward to a good lu-mber demand during the fall months. During his absence, Jimmie Atkinson, their Peninsula and Coast representative, was in charge of their rail department ofifice.
Nelson Jones, Jones Hardwood Co., is wearing the big smile these days. The occasion being the recent arrival of a fine eight-pound baby boy at the St. Francis Hospital, ^ ,, San Francisco. He says that Mrs. Jones and the new arrival are doing very nicely. Nelson advises that he is going to make a lumberman out of the youngster and a few days ago brought him up a small bundle of lumber to play with.
Pete Noonan Has Successful Deer Hunt
Pete Noonan, manager of the West Valley Lumber Co., Woodland, is telling the world that he had another successful deer hunt and a short time ago got a good big fat buck. Pete, together with several of his townsmen, made up a hunting party that was very successful. According to the story going the rounds, Pete had to use a lot of strategy this year but he brought home the bacon just the same.
Ed Adams On Northwest Trip
Ed Adams of Hill & Morton, Inc., San Francisco and Oakland, is on two weeks' trip to the Northwest, where he is calling on the Washington and Oregon mills and making a general survey ofz lpmber market conditions. He expects to return to the Bay aroand the middle of the month.
Doctor-"'What did you operate on Jones for?"
Doctor-'rNo, I mean what had he got ?"
Surgeon-" € 100."-Punch.
For Doaloy
During thc annual rcrion of the Paeific Logging Con. grcr and Logging Machincry Equipment Exhibition, Scattlc, llfaeh., Oct. 2t-31, 1925, wc will cxhibit THE SOUTH BEND
At Booth 59 ll/e cordially invitc you to virit ur and cxamine the mcritr of our production.
The South Bend Spark Arrester Co.
Officc and Factory, ?66. Savicr St, Porthnd, Orcgon Cdifornia Agentr: W. H. WORDEN CO., San Francicco
For Locomotivc EngincrScrior 5.L