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NewPrice Lists are Now Ready
Have you received ) your copy
Our first price lirt issued from our new Pacific Coact Headquarterr i n [.os Angeler, ha! iust come off the pres!.
It giver complete liatings of stocks in both Philip pine and domeetic hardwoods, panelr, vensertt foorings, etc.
We want evety man in the building industry, who has a use for one, to have a copy.
Inspection of our U. S. Reg. trade'marked Bataan, Bagac, Lamao and Orion will completely revise your opinion of Philippine Hardwoods. Being grown in the Island of Luzon, the most northerly of the Philippine group, th"y are truly HARD.
May we have tihe pleasure of showing you finished samples?
Whitney Frames Finding Favor
A representative of "The California Lumber Merchant" paid a visit recently to the big manufacturing plants of The Whitney Company at Garibaldi, Oregon.'
Particularly interesting was the factory in which the famous Whitney Fir Frame, with the well-known Green Label is made. This is one of the finest and best equipped on the Pacific Coast, all equipment being electric unit driven, and the most modern that can be obtained.
All the lumber that goes into the frames is scientifically kiln-dried and tested for moisture content, the high standard of kiln drying insuring uniformity of the product.
Running parts of frames are made from vertical grain lumber, and ehtire frame is clear of knots. A test frame, which must be perfect, is assembled with every order, the object being to have a check on the whole order.
Harry E. Morgan, general manager of The Whitney Company, said that these frames have now attained a wide distribution, and have been well received everywhere. Two points brought out by Mr. Morgan are of special interest to the retailer. These are: that fir frames don't deteriorate in any climate, and that they won't stain stucco.
The company also makes a specialty of the manufacture of casing, base, interior trim and mouldings, and dealers throughout California and Arizona are now familiar with all the "green tied" planing mill products of this go-ahead concern.
Butte City, Glen Co.-Reconstruction of Butte City's burned area is already under way. Building materials are on the ground, and the work of rebuilding is expected to go forward with great rapidity.
Here is the gang of Benson boys that cleaned up on all the Amateur Base Ball Teams in San Diego, this past season.
Fred Hamiltoh, versatile manager of the Benson Lumber Company, conceived the unique photograph, explaining that, while he was not ashamed of the faces of the boys, the opportunity to put over some good publicity,. with their backs, was too good to lose.