1 minute read
Qwnahne DUJplas Fir is saleable yard stock
Bight and straight:
1. Douglas Fir stays bright and straight in the piles. Builders and contractors like the looks of the Douglas Fir you deliverare proud to have owners inspect it. Easily worked:
2. Douglas Fir is easily worked-saws nicelvcuts cleanholds nails and screws-has a minimum of sap and resin. Light and easy to handle:
3. Douglas Fir is light and easy to handle, haul and erect. This lighmess gives greater strength with less dead weight. Stif end strong:
4. Douelas Fir is stiffand strong-holds loads wlth minimum defection--makes structures more rigid-does more efiective work with less lumber.
Durableresists decay:
5. Douglas Fir is durable. You can sell Douglas-Fir more than once to the same manit resists weathering and decay. Beautifully grained:
6. Douglas Fir has a beautiful grain. Doors aid panels of Douglas Fir idorn some of th. m*t beautifitr and famous buildings in America. Interior and exterior trim:
7. Douqlas Fir is unexcellod as interior and exte-rior trim, sash, frame, gutter and floor material that takes paint, stains, vamish, oils, enamels and wax. Nationally adtertised :
8. Douglas Fir is nationally advertised. Lumbeiexperts are traveling constantly over the United States teliinq lumbir users about the advantages olDouglas Fir. General magazines, farm publications, trade journals and newspapers are telling the people in your own trade territJrv to ask dheit local lumber dealers for Durable Douglas Fir.
Stoch saleable Douglas Fir and tie uP your yard with our adteilising and trade extensionworh. Write for complete detaik of our free dealer helps.
Ever lumber dealer in Amedca should have one of thee booklets to show his ctohes. " Durable Douglas Fir -Amerio's Permanent Lumber Suoply " contains authentic information abouiDouglo Fir. Mail rhe coupon or a potcard today for your free copy.
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tt6o sruer BUTLDTNG, sEAmE, vsruNfroN
Qetlema: Please send mc .t copy of you, free buklet,"Durable Douglas Fir- Arcica's ?ermanent Lumber Supply."