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Reduee Your Accidents

Through our Accidenl Prarcntion anil Safety En' gineering Deqartmenk,.

The type of educationd Safety Senice that thir Asrociation h frmirhing policyholdcn, has proven verlr advantageoue in educating employeee in accident prevention in plantr throughout the country; and will belp to improve the SAFETY MOR.ALE of any organiza' tion.

The paymentr for cornpenration to injured en' ployeec and the coat of doctorr, hoopitala, medical ap' pliancee and dnrgr, govetn the rater of your COMPEN' SATION INSURANCE; and the only method to pre' vent rete increarer in the future ar there har been in the part, ic to reduce the frequency and severity of accidentr. Thir can only be achieved tihrough ttre proper co-operation df the assured and the in$rrer, and by the education of employees in accident prev€n' tion and rafety firrt methodr. In other wordr-teach them to THINK.

(fftis is the first of a seties of .attieles on the subiect, others will follov monthly.)

(Continued from Page 49.)

St. Paul and. Tacoma

The St. Paul a4d Tacoma Lumber Company, at Tacoma, have a huge sawmill PLANT. They have two mills standing side by side, one equipped with two band headrigs, a gang and some resaws, and the other with one headrig, a gang and resaws. Their biggest mill cannot compare in production with the two big mills previously mentioned,-but their everyday production of lumber runs fully a milliort feet. They operate their larger mill two shifts -a day, and their smaller mill three shifls daily. They have.a 6ig remanufacturing pl.ant standing back of boitr milts andfurnishing do!.rble service for the two mills, and they are steadily increasing their complement of dry kilns, a npw battery of same being installed iight now.

rhre is a mnr ".t'f,"i:1"::#lti,,,*.o,,, that is not enormous in size, but IS tremendous in production. It is that of the Gray's Harbor Lumbe,r Company, well knpwn as the "Bleagin" mill. It cuts about 350,000 feet in an ,ghour shift, and runs three shifts or 24 hours a day, turning o_-ut e,asily a million feet a day. It is eguipped wittr two "break down" headrigs, a gang and a bunch:of resaws.

The most interesting thing about this plant is that.with this enormous production it stocks. and stores no lumber, uses r-ro sheds oq yard, but operates right on the wharf at Hoquiam, stacks its lumber in steamer itorage units, which are pick-ed up by the big hoists and lifted right on the vessels. The whole million feet- a day is moved- as fast as cut, .,- almost entirely by.water, and unseasoned.

The Everett Mill

\il/eyerhaeuser operates a battery of finely equipped mills in the Northwest, the biggest of which is located at Everett, Wash., and is called "Mill 8". This mill is equipped with two headrigs, two large edgers, one great gang, and two resaws, with abig re-manufacturing plant in connection. This plant cuts an average of 350,000 feet every 8 hours. However, this is one of the biggest equipments in the Northwest, and could easily be operated, if the management so desired, so as to cut around 500,000 feet in 8 hours. Its possible capacity is easily that. However, they operate this plant more on Pine style than on the average Fii plan, doing much of their sawing on the headrigs, and they turn out less lumber than they could if they wanted to run it the other fashion.


_ One of the great mills of the country is the Central Coal & Coke Company"plant at Vernonia, Oregon. This is the new Charlie Keith mill, famous for the facl that they kilry dry everything they make except the big timbers, and have set the Northwest agog with their kiln-drying of dimension as well as all low grade stock. This plant has two band headrigs, a gang and several re-saws, and turns out an average of 600,000 feet daily with two 8-hour shifts.

C. D. Johnson's Plant

Like Vernonia and Longview, the plant of the pacific lpruce C-orporation at Toledo, Oregon, has been frequently described in these columns. ft is one of the biggest singl-e sawmill units in the world. It is equipped wit[ two heiarigs, three edgers, three trimmers -and three resaws, two vertieal and one horizontal. This mill cuts from 40,000 to

50,000 feet per hour, according to the orders they are shoving through, and runs in 8-houg shifts. On double shift time they produce between 700,000 and 800,000 feet a day.

Red River at Westwood

According to the records of the California White & Sugar Pine Association, the biggest sawmill in the Pine business in California-the biggest in the Pine business in the west, so far as lmown-is that of the Red River Lumber Com' pany at Westwood, California. Their sawmill is equipped with four band headrigs, a great equipment of supplementary and re-manufacturing machinery, which enables them to cut 800,000 feet of lumber running two shifts a day. A complete description of this plant will be given later. This concern is the biggest owner of white and sugar pine on earth, having somewhere between fifteen and twenty billions standing in California.

According to the figures on file at the Association office also the next two big Pine mills in California are those of the McCloud River Lumber Company at McCloud, with five band'headrigs and a rated capacity of 650,000 feet. in two. shifts, and the Sugar Pine Lumber Company at Fresno, with four band headrigs, and a rated capaCity of 600,000 feet in two shifts.

Big Redwood Mills

Redwood is cut more slowly than Pine in the west, and much more slowly than Fir.

The biggest Redwood mill is that of the Pacific Lumber Company, at Scotia, California, where there are two big sawmills, and a great re-manufacturing plant. Mill B is the largest individual Redwood sawmill also. It is equipped with four big headrigs and a horizontal resaw, and cuts an average of 275,OgO feet, single shift. Mill A has three headrigs and a gang, and cuts 225,000 average daily.

The Union Lumber Company mill at Fort Bragg, with three band headrigs and three resaws, is the next biggest Redwood mill, being only slightly smaller in capacity than the Pacific Mill B.

The Biggest Southern Pine Mill

Everyone knows that the biggest sawmill ever built in the South is that of the Great Southern Lumber Company, located on the eastern boundary of Louisiana a short distance north of New Orleans.

The South has not run strongly to mills of great size, the one at Bogalusa being the only genuine monster mill that Southern Pine has known.

The Bogalusa sawmill.is equipped with four band headrigs, a big'resaw, two big gangs, six edgers, and all the suppleynentary machinery necessary to handle the streams of lumber that come from these saws. There are two separate and distinct planing mills with this sawmill, and the tremendous equipment of kilns, sheds, handling and hoisting.machinery, make this one of the biggestlquipments ever constructed.

(Continued on Page 52.)

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