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PerrRanent Proteetion Ior everytype oI rool!
Roofings have been developed with one idea in
:ONEERSuper Quality Roll mind... toprod, uce the best roof, money can rngs buy!
In accomplishing this we have also made Pioneer Roofings the most economical... they are permanent protection. They serve better, serve longer and cost less per year than any so,called ttinexpen, sivett roofing on the markee
There is a specific Pio, neer Super QualityRoll 'Roofing for every type of roof. . flat, steep, .arched, domed or for a roof that needs pro, tection against the fric, tion of feet or furniture.
Pioneer Quality . .. now recognizedthroughout the West is one of the Deal. erts greatest assets. To be sureof growing busi, ness be sure you can supply the demand for Pioneer Products!
Pioneer Paper Company, fnc.
E.dbl&hcd 1888