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(The.Clearing Houce)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't'Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: E2.s0 per cotutnn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, yhjch we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-127, care California Lumber Merchant. 2-t4-tf.
Connection with lumber firm by young man who has excellent record; last employer twelve years managing large yard; best references, including emp_loyer; come at once. Address Box 4-190, care California Lumber Merchant. 9-1-1
Wanted-Position as Yard Foreman. Now in full charge of retail yard in Los Angeles. Changes being made in organization leave me open for position. Know both stock ind detail finish and can furnish excellent references. Address Box A-191. care California Lumber Merchant. 9-1-1
Position Wanted
Experienced White and Sugar Pine salesman, with several years' experience in domestic and foreign hardwoods, will be considtring a change on September 15th. Well acquainted rvith the wholesale, industrial and retail trade, Southern California. Former inspector California White & Sugar Pine Association and acquainted with mills and supply pertaining thereto. A phone call can put you in touihwith references. Address Box A-181, care California Lumber Merchant.
200 heavy 5 ft. lumber jacks, used for assembling loads-good condition-$2.00 each.
Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
Yard manager for retail yard in Los Angeles. Must be capable of taking entire charge and exceptionally good salesman, who can build up and hold business against strongest competition. In first letter state full particulars, salary asked and references. Address Box A-166, care California Lumber Merchant. 6-1-tf
A first-class, practical and thoroughly experienced millwork estimator for a large Oakland mill. Must have had practical manufacturing experience and be thoroughly competent. A good steady job for thg right man. Address box A-1SZ, care California Lumber Merchant. 9-1-1
Bookkeeper and estimator, sash, door, mill, lumber and construction experience, wants position with growing firm. Will invest if connection proves satisfactory. A-1 references. W.H. R., 1565 B St., San Bernardino, Calif.
Position Wanted
Experienced estimator and salesman, employed by one of the lirgest retail yards in Southern California, desires to connect rvith some firm that can offer advancement. Address Box .4-188, care California Lumber Merchant. 9'2-I.
Married man, sober and industrious, 13 years with big Northern company, thoroughly conversant in retail lumbering, general hardware, farm implements and grains. Good salesman, collector, buyer and bookkeeper. Wants management of Southern or We'stern retail business. Can give ideal reference and bond. Now employed. Address Box A-192, care California Lumber Merchant. 9-15-1
Position Wanted
Experienced lumberman, Wholesale and Retail, Estimator and exceptionally good salesman, thorourghly familiar with grades, Sash ahd Doors and retail yard routine. Can furnish excellent references. Desires to connect with some progressive firm that can offer advancement. Reply Box A-193-California Lumber Merchant.
Use Ammunition Wisely
No intelligently prepared advertising costs as much as its equivalenl force in personal efiort.
Sagacious advertising is the economical drill through barriers of indifference and ignorance.
When it efiects the first breach you charge the opening with the dynamite of personal effort and blast your way to sales.
,,Shamac,,, Chicago.
Want to buy retail lumber yard, or in good yard and take management of experience in retail lumber business. Box 656, Fort Worth, Texas.
will buy half interest same. Twenty years' Mail replies to P. O.
112 Market St San Francirco
Tclephonc Sutter 7099
Douglar Fir - Spruce - Rcdwood
Rcdwood and Cedar Shinglce
Fir Pilirg - Cedar Polcc
Split Redwood Productr or"n,"hf,;I;"ilte Lunbcr co.
Sralroeno mouldings of fine soft textured California Pints are alarqe Dart of the millwork production ofilfour mills.
Gradee Therc is but one regular grade of California Pine mouldinss. *lich corresponds in character tJt'tr" grade of 'Ct'select and better, a high ilass finishing grade of CaliforniaPine which has general use for interior trim, especially in painted orename I interiors. Mouldings are generally clear and free from defelts, kiots are seldom found particularly in narrow mouldings.
A second grade , of material not up to the regular moulding standard, is made at some mills and contains greatef defects which do not interfere with its value when painted or enameled. Where economy is necessary this grade will be found-satisfactory.
Mouldings are usually sold by the lineal foot] though wide mouldings, such as base boards, are also sold by board foot measure.
Typec The following types of California Pine mouldings are always available in universal patterns: