1 minute read
IDirect aceess ,r to ftnest thnber through McGormtckl
WHEN youdealthrough the McCormick otganization you get all the advantages of a complete unit in the lumber industry of the Vest Coast.
You are using a close-knit setwice that embraces vast timber stands in Americats finest .ritgrt forest area, ouf own logging c.rmps, mills, treating phnt, docks, wharves, our ovrrn feet of vessels.
Our nearest representative or sales ofice will gladly qtrcte you on straight or mixed cars and on special ordqs.
Every phase contributing to the successful operation of the lumber ind*tty has been carefully built into the McC.ormick organization. Our customers benefit through faster service, more uniform grades. We have, in shortrbuilt up a reputation to maintain.
You will find it worth while to avail yourself of the advantages of McComick facilities.