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L. A. Hoo HoolClub Opens Season
J, Walter Kelly Elected President
Hoo-Hoo Club No.9
The fall season for the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club opened with a bang on Thursday, September 2nd, with over fifty of the faithful in attendance.
The big attraction of the day lvas, of course, the annual election of officers and directors, and' there was no other program.
President Wickersham handled the gavel, introducing several guests, including Mr. Harry Vincent, Vice President and General Manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, San Francisco, and Mr. Kenneth Smith, their new Sales Manager in Los Angeles.
The election returns, tabulated bv a committee headed by B. W. Bookstaver, BookstaveriBurns Lumber Company, were as follows:
President: B. W. (Bobbie) Byrne, Western Hardwood Lirmber Co., Los Angeles.
Vice-President: Frank M. Wise. Patten & Davies. Los Angeles.
Secretary-Treasurer: L. A. Beckstrom, Wholesaler, Los Angeles.
Directors: Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company; Los Angeles; Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Company, Bev- erly Hills; Ed B. Culnan, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, Los Angeles; Cliff Berhstrom, MacDonald & Harrington, Los Angeles; Hervey S. Bowles, Long-Bell Lumber Company, Los Angeles.
The retiring President, W. B. Wickersham, of the Qhas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was unanimously chosen as the recommendation foi. appointment as Vicegerent Snark for the follolving year, and his name will be presented'at the Annual at Kansas Qity.
It was a highly enthusiastic meeting, promising well for Bobbie Byrne and the other new officers.
J. Walter Kelly, sales manager of the Chas. R. McCorrnic! Lumber Co., San Francisco, was unanimously elected President of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9'at the regular Club luncheon held at the Palace Hotel, Thursday, August 26, for the ensuing year.
Homer Maris, H. P. Maris Panel Co., was elected VicePresident. and J. E. Martin, "The California Lurnber Merchant", was re-elected Secretary-Treasurer.
The following were electeci ai Directors: F'rank H. Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.; Garnet W. Fraser, C & A Railway; Oscar H. Johnson, Albion Lumber Co.; C. C. Stibich, Adams Lumber Co., and Clint Laughlin, Long-Bell Lumber Co.
Fred W. Roth, with J. H. McCallum and retiring Vicegerent Snark, was recommended for the appointment of State Counsellor, and Robert S. Grant, Cilifornia Door Co., was recommended for Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Bay District.
President John C. McCabe presided over the business session of the meeting. A. J. (Gus) Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., was the Chairman of the Day, and Tack Dionne. Publisher of "The California Lumber Merchadt" and "Gulf Coast Lumberman", was the Speaker of the Day.
Tentative Program For Hoohooannual
The tentative program, just issued from the offices of Henry Isherwood at St. Louis, for the coming Hoo Hoo Annual, at Kansas City, September 28, 29, 50, contains much interesting material.
Address by members of National Associations, the United States Forest Service, a visit to Longview Farm, a golf tournament, theater and bridge parties for the ladies and a host of other events, all go to make it a very enticing program.