4 minute read
Dirtributing Agentr for Cbrk-NicLcrron Lunbcr Coo Evcrctt, Warh.
Dcnprcy Lunbcr Cor.Tacopa, lVerh.
Dciencc Lunbct Coo Tecome, l\fuh.
Brract Lunbcr Coo Vratouvcr, B. C.
WLitncy Co., Geribeldi, Orc.
Llttlo Rivc Rcdrood Coo Hurnboldt Bay.
Opcrating Steemerr
W. R. Chanbcrlin, Jr. Barbare C
Phyllir Dan F. Hulor
Stuwooo Bcrtic Hrnloa LOS
"Wilky" Takes Nettleton Account
In a letter dated August 31st, Mr. H. B. Carney, Los Angeles manager for the Nettleton Lumber Company, announced the decision to close their offices in that city, and announced the appointment of W. W. Wilkinson as their Southern California representative.
"Wilky" has been wholesaling lumber and other things in Southern California for some time and everybody tnows him, and knows him favorably.
He represents some powerful accounts: Morrill & Sturgeon, Metropolitan Redwood, Evergreen Shingle, Gerlinger and now Nettleton, giving him a grand line of accounts.
More Than 7oo Attend Whitney Picnic
The fourth annual picnic of the Whitney Lumber Co., Garibaldi, Ore., was attended by more than 700 people and rvas a great'success. Those in charge prepared several novel stunts, including a Spanish bull fight.
Harry E,. Morgan, general manager of the company, introduced District Attorney Claude Barrier, who was the speaker of the day.
Service badges were distributed to many employees of the company.
The weather was perfect and everybody had a good time, due to the good work done by the various committees.
The log rolling contest created a lot of interest, the prizes going to W. J. Doyle of Garibaldi and Henry Sause, Jr., of Idaville.
Changes In Spreckels Yards
_ Th9 Spreckels Commercial Company, headed by Mr. Claus Spreckels, has taken over the I-a Jolta and San Diego yards operated by the Spreckels Bros. Commercial Company. Manrt'actrrcr:
Herman L. Rosenberg, of the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, has just returned from a three weeks' business trip that took him to Kansas City and various points in Texas and Oklahoma.
He reports business conditions very much improved in these western states, and prospects for a fine year in 1927.
Howell Baker Has New Salesman
Mr. W. F. (Bill) Fahs, for several years past connected with the California Panel '& Veneer Company, Los Angeles, in another department, has just been added to the fast growing sales organization of this company and is now calling on the trade, in the city.
Negotiations have been completed by the Tilden Lumber and Mill Company of Oakland to acquire all of the property of the Pacific Tank and Pipe Company, according to a report from San Francisco which was confirned by officials at the branch office of the latter organization in Los Angeles. The Tilden Lumber and Mill Company has been operating the property of the Pacific 'fank and Pipe Company for the last two yqrrs under an arrangement by which it had an option to purchase the property at any time within three years. It was this option that has been exercised.
The principal holdings of the Pacific Tank and Pipe Company are located in East Oakland, and consist of forty-one acres of water front property and a modern factory where it manufactures redwood pipe, wood tanks, cross arms, ironing boards, cabinets and Pacific five-ply wood core wallboard. It also operates a branch in the Vernon manufacturing district of Los Angeles.
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' crrstomers. There's "Satisfac. tion in every food' of our Old Growth Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
L bt to{oaral.b ta ad arln.r @ .trDDaolrtlo l@ U L.t oo. d n{!b .l!o. rc br !...lYaal ueo.tq ie Ar CdFrl C6l r C& !1U.. t bE br.! Fo.trd htb Bb- &ld iclld Fb 61.t! .tsl d &1. .biFt br rcl!4 qp rltidt nrb h oF DLrt.Y@. srt ftlt, Drxrt LUEEa & suttlt cflPu sv frfl1L*loa//t Y h.rld.nt
J. H. BJOTNSTAD of San Diego, Calif. writer mentioning -dePenda.
bility -quality
Watch these ads and read what others say about this dependable lumber.
Qurablc r n. IJOUpIaS f,lr
(A. J. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in California and Arisona
Gerreral Ofrces:
San Francisco. California
St. Clair Building l6 California Street
So. Calilornia Ofrce:
Los Angeles, California 39? Pacific Electric Building Bruce L. Burlingame, Agent "sudden Seruice'
Genetal Offces: Kansas Ciry, Missouri
(Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.)
Laughin Makes Change
C. I. Laughlin
!otg, Lean, Lank,r', I-ikable, I-ovable Laughlin.
Clint Laughlin.
For sixteen years C. J. (Clint) Laughlin has been connected with the I-ong-Bell Lumber Compan-y. He went with them rvhen he lvas a youngster and has done just about everything that there is to do around a l{ardwood, Southern Pine or California Pine mill, and sales office. And he knows his onions.
He came to California about four years ago and took charge of the Long-Bell Los Angeles offices, and then last year when Kenneth Smith was transferred to Philadelphia, he went to San Francisco to look after things up there.
Then about the middle of last month he up and made a change, going with trvo rvell known hardwood concerns.
From the first of October on he will be Southern California representative for the Memphis Hardwood Flooring
Company of Memphis and the Robbins Flooring Company of Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
Both are well known institutions. The former company manufactures large quantities of "Chickasaw" Brand Oak Flooring, as lvell as other hardrvood lumber and specialties. The Robbins Flooring Company's output is Maple and Birch flooring, exclusively.
Clint rvill be their exclusive and clirect representative.
Will r.vonders neYer cease?
Here is another driving record; Seattle to San Francisco. Phil Hilditch, secretary of the Retail Lumbermen's Credit Association, Seattle, decided last morith to take a few weeks off and come down to California.
He pulled out of Seattle on a Monday afternoon at three o'clock, and landed in the Bay City the following evening, making the remarkable time of just a little over thirty hours, making no stops except to feed himself, and, of course, the car.
Some record.
Phil is also Secretary of the Seattle Hoo Hoo Club.
Schott Resigns
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 8.-Henrv Schott, who came to the Pacific Northwest last January to assist lumber manufacturers in the Douglas fir region to organize a national trade promotion campaign ior their products, left recently for the East. He resigned last rveek as manager of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau. this citv. because of continued illness.