1 minute read
of Gliforni;
Manufacturers of Dowlas Fir and Port Orford Cedar
Sawmilh, Marrhfield, Oregon
Dirtributing Plant Bay Point
AnrluEl Production 2(X),(XX),(X)0 Feet
GENERAL OFFICES :'tl$'3*,113"
Lor Angeler Oftcc, s*|,}-Iiil rcports shor that 15 pcrccat'lcse lunber i8 bCing made at thc assbciation mille for this year to May than was madc in the samc pcriod of 1925, and bascd on the car loading hgures of thc American Railway Association, and the incrcased shipments from the southcrn pine mills, my figures would indicatc that there has becn a declinc so far this year of 27 perccnt in sawmill production. This mcans a dccrcase in total southcrn pine production of 20 percent this year to May as comparcd with the samc pcriod last year.
"During this year we have had fZ percent increase in buitdins contracts in the United States over Last year, which increase included a 45 percent incrcase in the southern territory, and this, notwithstandrng the collapse of the boom in Florida.
"Therefore, the opportunity for wider distribution of fir lumber is easily visible. The valleys of the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio Rivers, together with Texas, Oklahoma and the southCast. offer fertile-field for wider distribution, The possibilities for the distribution offir lumber are unlimitcd. Thie coast enjoys a situation on marketing of its oroduct that no other producing section of ihe United States evef did enioy. It hag great possibilities in the markets of _Ast4, Australia, the cast and west coasts of South America, the Atlantic seaboard of the United States, all of Europe and Africa. In fact, there is no place in the world into which the west coast product cannot bc placed. It enjoys a world markct from the watcrborne vicvrpoint. In addition to that, fir lumber has been distributcd to cvcry state in the Union, irrespective of whether it is producing or not producing a comlrctitivc wood. The mere fact ttrat my own company sold a trainload of timbcrs, delivered at Lake Charles, La., hauled the product past two of our own southern pine operations, and
(Continued on Pase 72)