3 minute read
The Durability of Sugar Pine
IN CALIFORNIA where Sugar Pine has been used since before the Days of '49, no one ever I raises the question of its durability. The ancient landmarks are eloquent evidence. Hand sawed planks and split shakes show no traces of decay after three-quarters of a century of exposure to the weather without adrop of paint or preservative.
Nor have these cabins of the pioneers been favored by climate. In the high altitudes of the Sierras, where the '49ers and pioneer ranchers lived and built these rude houses, the winters are long and the snows are deep.
SUGAR PINE being a true White Pine, botanically and physically, has long life as well as the characteristic virtues of easy-working and freedom'from distortion. It is the ideal wood for exposed sash and doors, siding, moulding and trim.
degradc is ress uran airdrying. rhc rumber ;i:f,i"j"i..tTf,ltT*rn.";i,i:ttill#$ ;tjTJtr""iJ:JTJ i:"lni"t:ffgl5.i:H: can. be trans-ported -at -lcse cost than srccn iifiatfi-;-;;;i irfiinaurcd us to mi4 thi UiiiJ"'.i-iJiiiiirii-ii"". -- r,i.o* -al-cri"i- or lif* r:'diilii#llT:J$!lfl1$,l=,11 ffit*E"f;,illitllrr**Jl".kjr**i *'i,il"**ns-*ni;*":,'.:n:hF*?-'ii tends thc markcts for th_e_goducf _P"ffi"., er,t-dffipiiccr='-.;;dTi*.fi j:,.,i-. , .,,i... ,, , in ttic'm*i(tfrurtres" tti pioauct ilf;p;;a it mec-ts compctition i""9".$g_119_tlg1P::. .".]rii;[,'4fiiiJis]"dl{4$i.d1i*.iiriruc-biiiri- i ;:UF-.f- iiT-d.r'iiiii"g ;q-ui"-";1"t" tion of cpmparablc -wogds. rt cnqo.uragee trq "*ii-. .i"ii ir,"--ili'iffi,,XF'ioil-"iiriiid" ;;ddffid;ilti;'.-iioJi'r.'This industrv shoutd usc ol lumDcr ano c$couragcs tne use ol- atYernodia, Ore., In Jitt-;I%{, tho-cbst of be forchiaded in preparing to mect-this sit- substitutc material_s, the manufacturers -of, iiiviriti*itl"-lri tii""rTd.tii"i"-t1[* ir""ti ii rJl-'iiii] ri'v .."'rtliiig it-s tumuer, and scc- which -now capitalizc_ thc dis-advantagc of ;;td;;e-ild!i -dl;ffi-il'il;;;A iii,'By'ritiia,iii-iiiiiiti.-J ioi ,l&iiJ ina green lumber and advertise thcir products .rrt"a*- lrri fu.-"tifi-r,1.. thirrv milion faer i"i-iriii.Til i;;'h.;; ec nrnncrlv r^ nar- supUururs rrartrrarE' r[E manuasrurErE q ihvcstmcnt in .fry kilnc bes',more tban bcen uation, first, by seasoning its lumber, lu-mbe-r -a-nd advertisg tlcit ;G;;;,rA--i-.tiU r,ai..-irrib--i,iui."l"ii
as properly to maras non-shrinkable; and lastly, because it is .i aiii iiiiiiUiifi;i;;se on,irricrr trrl un_ k;t;uct pioauii-a"ri"g-i.ilJilr'ilr,;; i;i" profitable' Qetwjigtis -trlvl noi-'yct bcen liquidated. in demanci. witin-we siait.a to-aiv-ii r-ri*:
"In addition to all of the abovc advantag-es, Yog may ask, What was the cost bf kilns bcr, we thought we knew something about the _requi.site amourlt of stocks to be carried and how much have your underweights drying lumbei. We built a kiln on th-e coast at the mill is less than in.airdry_in-g and con- amount€d to? I wish to itate that our Elns anh cinducted tests throush OJr"iai"* "t sequently there is a_ saving- of inter_est on cost u6 530E,422.7t and up to July l, !926, the Forest Products Laboritory and we built stock investment. I would not advocate our underweights had amountid to-$365,: thc kind of kiln they suroesied for fir, in carryigg less lumb-er.. 'We must carry more,943.99. the soutlr, and condricted tests on southern but still the possibilities are there. ..fs it not better to give the consumer gine lumber. All of this work was done un- ln other words' the ex_periments hcre tauglt Jrog all know, name_ly, temperature, humidity .,While we have heard considerable discus- us how to- dry our lumber in the south. and circulati6n. Wittr ttri proper combina- sion from time to time in connection with Consequently, ttre are toda-y. drying our lum- ieauctlon "i"-largu
"Kil-ndrying of lumber has made more pro- what he wants, so that hJ will require more, der the supervision of the Forest Products gres,s ir1 the last three years than was rriade than to make'him sufier thi adgt"d" .".i Laboratory.. The- grading -was done under In the last three decadts. I have been re- force him to use subJtitutisf -ft-if,i-p-toa""i the.supervision of the Southern Pine Assoliably info-rmed, indirectly, that ong dry kiln costi mor6, it 6rings better valuei. The ciation grading bureau and the West Coast ggglpilly has undelcontract for construction dealers andirscrs are-now asking the govern- As$ociation grading bureau-. -In making-the 1109- kiln rooms. I hqpe- they are all for fir ment to define moisture content] making it a tests in the south we tested the new method producers, but I am afiaid ttiat scveral hun- part of American Lumbe; Stiiiairarl Eo -"s as against -the old method we had been usdred are for the pine in-dusry -out here. io avoid shrinkage ana aegriainl-. fht;ob: ing, -with the consequence that we found we Scientific research hls developed a- better un- lic will either ins-iit o" prjpii piip.iatiol"-"f qad been gettin_g 27 percent degrade,. Under derstanding and cont-rol of ihe elements of the pioduct for consuinption'or'use othei ghe 19w method, our degrade was.7.5 percerlt. drying-.There are-threc such elements,,-as products to serve its purpose.
,n"rfr.ills:$1rLfiffi,:f:'f:':1"?,3:t?:: in","'"Ttif',,*"'T::",x? ffl'lfstt.:i'f ffi: the west ioast ress-trrin 3-per ""it aJl-'"ai 9"i'9ri.i9.' ;,i; ;;;;;t our average.degrad- -b"; -p;'a";ii; ;;r!;"ti, --i[ E.--ei,: ao*-" ffJ::llrl"lSJ:Hn1*1i,ll.fTTl::"","T; ing in kiln work was 27 percent, while now, in the column with thi close'of -ttie year. the whole, When you take into consideration with imp_roved kilns, it is less than 5 percent. We estimate that there will be at least'l to I;--ilah;-;e"r"iili,'*. have been itt" to Ll bi.|Iion feet less lumber produced in t927 that $365'000 has been saved in underweights, hold the degrades to less than l0 percent by large mills in the south'than fSZO. thc (Continued on page 2g)