1 minute read
MakeYour Sash and Doors of Srgnr ?ine:
This wood has several natural qualities that make it especially advantageous for sash and doors. For instance
-Sugar Pine is remarkably free from warping, twisting or shrinking, even in extremes of moisture or temperature. Ifindows and doors of Sugar Pine eliminate many annoyances common to these members.
Then Sugar Pine is an easy wood to cut. lt is a s oft pine-gen u i na white pine. You know the advantages of this qualiry inmilling door and window Pafts.
Sugar Pine takes and holds glue in permanent grip, and retains paint remarkably well. And it endures.
These are just a few reasons why Sugar Pine is particularly satisfactory for doors and sash. Another reason whv vou'll like it is its economy-due to grades ihat enable you to cut to better advantage and with practically no waste.
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