1 minute read
Business Improves In West
Looft at the new "whitc spols" on the latest map, reprinteil by permission of "Nation's Business." In our lasl issue lhe map above rr.as shonn, and it is an interating comparison to see lhe aililitional territory, especially in the Lllest, Ihat shows white, on the one below. It appeared in the September issue of "Nation's Business.
Much more of Califomia, a goodly section of Oregon and Washinglon, and all of Arizona, non, are in the Gooil territory. AIso more of Texas, aII of Ohlahoma and more of Kansas. The blach spot in Colorailo has ilisappeared. Business k on the Up Crade.
"... we have seen cases where these Laminex doors have been hungin a freshly plasteredbuilding, but, to our surprise and pleasure, tfre doors showed no tendency to warp..."