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advertising is making the American public t'door conscioustt

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Advertisements will appear during 1926 in 23TOOOTOOO copies of leoding national magaTines

AS the world's largest door manufacturer we first pro" .C\ duced, in Laminex, a trouble,proof door and then adopted a permanent policy of letting the ivhole world know about it. And all down the line of merchandioing we have taken the initiative in revolutionizing the method of marketing a door.

With the necessary equipment and ability to etandardize and produce on a huge scale, we have leveled the price of Laminex doors to compete with doors made the iom. mon way. Thus leading jobbers in every center are able to maintain adequate stocks for instant delivery.

Laminex 6lls a definite need for a tiouble.proof door. It is accessible through distributors everywhere for quick delivery. It is being advertised nationally to all the peo.

All genuine Lo,minex doors bc,o;r th.e Lo,mincx guarunteelobel

THE WHEELER, OSGOOD COMPANY TACOMA. WASHINGTON ple. As a consequence, millions of Laminex doors are _alrga{y in use. These are satisfuing owners and helping builders and realtors to sell their houses. Mr. E. P. Jines, large building operator of Altadena, California, said, when ordering Laminex doore for 3O9 houses: ttA nationally advertised and widely known product like Laminex, greatly assists in making sales."

Gentlemen: Iwould like to L.nowmore about Laminex Doors. Pleaee send catalog and rample of Laminer Wood, eo that we can make our own tegtrr.

Laminex doors in all popular styles with vertical grain stiles and rails or all,flat grain, may be had at leiding jolbers. Write for our "Help,You.Sell" plan and samplof Laminq wood to test. Sales Offices: New York, Chicago, Memphis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Spokane. Foreign: Woco Door Company, London; E. J.Vin de Ven, Paiis; Paul Solari & Co., Genoa.

Flush Doors

Three perfect units-face, core and back. The face and back each of tfiree ply veneer, the core of narrow strips scientifically glued with waterproof glue set under hydraulic presgure.

In this you have tfie perfectly balanced door for exterior or interior ureguaranteed against all defects common to 3 or 5 ply fush doors.

Let us supply you with full information and attractive prices on these doors.

Cadwallader- Oibson Co. (/

LuMgsn in process of seasoning at one of the'W'eyerhaeuser Cloquet Mills. Multiply this panorama by 20. To gain an idea of the -agnitude of Weyerhaeueer storage facilitiee -the amount of thoroughly eeasoned lumber at the disposal of 'W'eyerhaeuser permanent customers. With backing such as this you are always aesured a supply oI unilorm high-grade stock In season and out When a building boom is on as well ae in dull perioda

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