3 minute read
T TP to a lew years ago, it u/as the rare \-/ lumber dealer who distinguished in his own mind between one Lumber Organization and another.
ThenWeyerhaeuser began to putinto worh" the progressive plans they had been shaping up lor some time.
The alert dealer took notice.
In theWeyerhaeuser progre ssive moves he could see somerhing tuork, ing hot him.
Belore many months had passed, he saw thatWeyerhaeuser not only meant all they said-but were geared up to make it all corne true.
And today you'll find it an accepted Iact with the go-ahead dealer, that to maheand use a permonent buying connection with Weyerhaeuser brings a PLus into his business.
Here are some oI the things that the Weyerhaeuser Plus gives thsretailer:-
I. 2.
e/oncentrated buying and concentrated selling. A call lrom a single Weyerhaeuser Representative brings you all the difrerent kinds oI lumber you need to supply a large part oI your trade.
Filteen difierent species of lumber-including Douglas Fir,W'esrern Red Cedar, Pacific Coast Flemlock, Pondosa Pine, and Genuirw White Pine.
X. The output of 17 large mills:and 3 more '' building. 3 remanulacturing plants. Shipping lrom 20 large stocks.
4. 3 huge Distributing Plants, with 125,0OQ- ' 00o leet oI lumber and 25,0OQ0OO leet oI timbers always on hand. Shipping in 24 hours, iI necessary.
{. The finest stands of timber in this counrry. ' Precisemanufacturing.Scientificseasoningl giving the user the maximum natural durability of the species.
6 Carelul handling and loading to insure de- livery of l0OVo saleable and usable stocks. Fl . Sales making specialties that attract trade ' and rcfeat. g. The W'eyerhaeuserPermanentCustomerPlan, - operatedbyWeyerhaeuserRepresentatives who take care oI their customers in season and out oI season. A moot profitable arransement lor the dealer who makes use of it.
R Quicker turnover on a smaller investment. \'" Easy buying. Regular supplies oI compact stocks. Fewer losses and less lumber thrown into the "boneyard."
There is not one single itemol the above thatdoes not constitute an advantage which you can pass along to you.? customers.
The dght a,nsu)er to local competition.
CalluptheWeyerhaeuser Representative. Have . \\;rhim come in to see you. *.",,5... ll1
'Distributorc,. \Teyerhaeuser Forest Products Qetzeral Oftces : SPOKANE, \ZASHINGTON
Z ' t6 Branch Ofices: ^ /E lS MrNNEApoLrs cHrcAGo dgFN ffilftb} Eo6 Plymouth Bldg. 208 So. LaSalle St. FEI|I)IEI t^L --b,W
285 MadisooAve. 8t2 Lexiogton Bldg. Rhode Island
24or FirstNat. Baak Bldg, t3lt Second Nat. Bank Bldg.
9E Velerbaezser Sa_lcs Company is tb-e combined selling organization of tbe follouing WcTube-casir lVilk and Distribzti-ng Flants:
Cloq-ugt Lwber Cgmpqny
-I 4e Nortnefn Luber-Lompany
JohDson.Weotwoft^h Compmy
Cloquet, Minnesota
Cloquet, Minnesota
Cloquet, Minnesota vooo Loovers,lon .Lom?any Cloquet, Minnesota Sonners relry Lumbef_Uompany Bonners Ferry, Idaho
_s_noqpilSle -talrs Luber Compatry Snoqualmie Falls. lVashiogton trumbrlo Lmber company Sandpoint, Idaho
!dwu{ {ude-dse Tim6er Companv Co.* d;Ati"J] id.ho
!:otratg..h lumb_er C.omp-any Potlatch, Idaho
Dorse Payette hmbef Lrmpaoy , Boise. Idaho v_eyerhaeuser'limber Company . . Everett, \(/ashington
!(eyerheeuser Timber Compant _._.. n"tAn6"e, M-""yTi"a [eyerlraeuserlinber Coripady, Minnesota Tnnsfer, St. piui.- MinniioG lfeyerhaeuserTimber Comp-aay ponsfobuth, nhoiiJtJtirol
Tipi.e/ of the\L'evt. ernaeuser policy of giving immediate service are the 24-hout shipping schedules maintained at the J Weyerhaeuser distributing plants. Plenty of seasoned lumber always readyfor shipmene Equipment and lacilities that make quick shipping possible. Experienced men that take a personal interest in each order and each customer. The list of Weyerhaeuser permanent customets is constautly growing.

John Leigh
The picture was taken by Mrs. A. J. Russell, on a recent trip with Gus through the Northwest, and shows Mr. Leigh out in the woods, with Col. George H. Kelly's Scotch Terrier, t'Porky".
John Leigh is an old timer in the lumber game and is one of the best known figures in the Pacific Northrvest' He was for many years with the C. A. Smith Lumber Company at Minneapolis, and afterlvards rvith the N{cCormick Lumber Company, McClintock, Washington, prior to becoming affiliated with the Western Lumber Company.
Gus says "he is noted for his universal and constant good humor, his knorvledge of the lumber business and from the fact that he has the oldest corn cob pipe rvest of the N[ississippi-it is a real Missouri meerschaum".
And what more would you rvant?
The pup deserves special mention. John claims and states that he is prepared to prove "Porky" to be the fastest running terrier in the country, when there is a cottontail running after him.
The Western Lumber Company is located at Westfir, on the new Natron Cut-off of the S. P., about forty miles out of Eugene.
Portland Planing Mill Damaged
Fire originating in the glue room of the Nicolai-Neppach Co.'s planing mill at Portland, Ore., darnaged the building and stock to the extent o{ $25,000, August 28. Prompt work by the firemen saved what might have been a most disastrous fire.