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Greater Profit For You, lYIr. Dealer
Moistite solves a merchandising standardization problem.
Standardization of building material means greater turnover of capital invested without increasing sales resistance through higher costs to your customers.
Moistite*the new waterproof sheathing that 6lls all sheathing requirements with perfect satisfaction.
Moistite-is used under any exterior finishes, under shingles, under stucco, under rustic, under brick veneer. Moistite-is adapted for all sheathing requirements. It keeps out moisure, cold and wind. It conserves heat and deadens sounds-
Dealers handling Moistite need no other sheathing. One investment in a few rolls, kept turning, produces bigger pro6ts and eliminatee double investments and heavy inventories.
Moirtite-per roll, actually costs your customera no more than other reliable waterproof sheathing, but gives him many superior advantages.
Why carry more lhan one sheathing when Moistite tloes all that aII other sheathing will do ?
Clip this coupon. Let us tell you more about Moistite. What it is. How it is made, and why it is the most pro6table line for you to carry.
Exclusioe P acifi.c Coasl D istr ibutors
San Francisco - Oakland - Fresno - Sacramento Los Angeles - San Diego - Portland
Sdt Lake City
Manuracturet'" !1:"il;Trl,Irln"' Producte co"
Zellerbach Paper Company, 562 Battery Street, San Francicco, Calif.
Without obligatim on. tny part, please. send me- samples of Moistite, descr.ptive booklet and the merchandising and advertising plan.