1 minute read

*:'J$XIf:: How Lumber Looks

The lumber market in all parts of Catifornia looks just as it did fifteen days ago. In no way ^te conditions *ors.. In some slight fashion there is improvement, but it is too small to Particularize' our last report showed ; "i"; in the California trade laid up. Toda,y the number tr fO. * ,l

Unsold stocks at San Pedto as reported when we went to presr last issue totaled 81139,000 feet. As we go to press this time they are 711611000, a reduction of abouia million feet.

For the palt two weekr cnding September 9th, It cargoes of Fir entered San Pedro harbor, catrying l2r455rOOO feet of lum- ber, and 4 cargoer of Redwood carrying lr6l6rq)O feet, a total o{ 14,071,000 feet.

For four succegeive weeks the sawmills of the cntLe United Statec reporting to the National Lumber Manufacturen Association have shown orders gteatet. than production. The last reportr of the West Coast Lumberments A$ociation, the Southern Pine Associatiom, the California Vhite & Sugar Pine Manufacturen Association, and the Hardwood Manufacturers Institute, of Memphis, all show new business in excess of production. The Vestcrrr Pine Manufacturers Association shows galeg rlightly under production.

Only hand.to-motrth buying continues in all patr of California.

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