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Creo-Dipt Announces a Complete Line of Asbestos Shingles
The Creo-Dipt Company is announcing the "most complete line of roofing and sidewall materials in the building industry"-and the most sensational part of the announcement is the news that Creo-Dipt now offers a new and complete line of asbestos shingles.
Creo-Dipt first entered the Asbestos field early this summer with the acquisition of the Mohawk Asbestos Company of Oneida, New York. This Company has the reputation for manufacturing the finest asbestos shingle on the market because their methods produce a really individual shingle. Each differs from the other in color and texture.
The Williamsburg type of product made by Creo-Dipt's new subsidiary is an exact' replica of old hand-hewn shingles. The Williamsburg shingle was especially developed for Rockefeller's restoration of historic Williamsburg, Virginia. The Mohawk Company is an old company and both it and its products are very well known among the architects.
To supplement the Creo-Dipt-Mohawk line, Creo-Dipt developed a popular priced line of asbestos shingles which they are marketing under the name Creo-Dipt Asbestos Shingles. These will be available in both the American Method and Dutch Lap and in a variety of colors and with the soft texture approaching that of wood shingles which avoids the rigidity and uniformity that has turned so many people away from this type of shingle in the past.
Creo-Dipt has found that there is a growing demand for an attractive looking fireproof shingle that the dealer can sell at the right price.
In addition to Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles, Creo-Dipt Mohawk Shingles and Creo-Dipt Asbestoi Shingles, the Creo-Dipt Company now have the products described below: ., I
Creo-Dipt Pilgrims. This is a hand split shingle, rough hewn on the weather surface but smooth sawn on the back. It gives complete protection without a subroof. Architects are very favorable to Creo-Dipt Pilgrims because of their texture and shadow lines. They are available both stained and unstained.
Creo-Dipt Stains for preserving the wood and renewing the color of old shingles are rapidly growing in popularity. Creo-Dipt is the only stain manufacturer tb oIIei dealeis a complete merchandising service, including direct mail, folders, color pads and displays. Many lumber dealers are finding the restaining market increasingly profitable. CreoDipt Stains are also made for asbestos shingles and concrete tile.
Cre'o-Dipt White is a flat white for shingles, siding, s_tone, brick or stucco. Those who have used it praise Creo-Dipt White's durability, covering capacity, intense whiteness and ease of application. Several painters have remarked that they wouldn't believe a paint could slip so easily off the brush until they had tried the new CreoDipt White.
Creo-Dipt Weatherproofed Paper, introduced last year, found ready favor with dealers and contractors. It is waterproof and windproof, will not crack when folded and is not affected by either heat or cold. Creo-Dipt Paper is a pure Kraft, infused with a special compound that preserves and protects it. It comes in three weightsStandard, Medium and Heavy; and there is the Sandwich
Type Grade A for those who want a high quality, inexpensive sandwich sheet, also Saturated Felts.
Creo-Dipt is announcing its full line of products with an extensive advertising campaign which includes leading national magazines, architect magazines, trade papers and direct mail.
Creo-Dipt places a great deal of importance upon service because today the dealer is not carrying a big stock. Their nine plants located at strategic points can serve the entire country promptly and efficiently. This is reinforced by a number of warehouses in important centers for quick shipments by truck or freight.
Paul Masters Quits Lumber Business--Ted Wright Takes Over Sale Olympic Group of Mills
On the first day of September, Paul Masters closed his office in the Petroleum Securities Building, in Los Angeles, and quit the lumber business. He joined the firm of Banks Huntley & Company,'a bond and financial house, in Los Angeles.
Mr. Masters has been handling the sales in Southern California for what is known as the Olympic Group of Sawmills, a list of seven mills in Washington. The fact that this group of mills have been practically shut down for some time was one of the causes of Mr. Masters quitting ' lumber selling.
The sales agency for this group of mills was immediately placed in the hands of Mr. E. A. "Ted" Wright, who came to Los Angeles six weeks ago to handle the Southern California sales for the Washington Veneer Company. Mr. Wright hales from Tacoma, and has been in the lumber business all his life, 'coming to California from the midclle west. His office is now located at 5812 Washington Boulevard, which is in the city limits of -Culver City, and just outside the Los Angeles city limits. Here he is handling both the products of the Washington Veneer Company, and that of the Olympic Group. The Washington Veneer Company is a large producer of doors and of plywood.
H. V. Cowan Organizes California Cabinet Company
The California Cabinet Company has been organized by H. V. Cowan and associates. It is located it 5812 Washington Boulevard, Culver City, California, in the old plant of the Soule-Martin Lumber Company. Here they are manufacturing, assembling, and distributing the original H. V. Cowan line of standardized,cabinets. They have also taken over the distribution of the Noack line of built-in fixtures. "A showroom is being equipped that will allow the public to see both lines. The phone number is Oregon 5952.