1 minute read

\(/hen the D.pression is Over....Then \(/hat?

By Fronklin A. Hofheins Snark of the Universe, Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo

. All the ills of the Lumber Industry are not merely the results of general business depression and we cannot expect the teio'tt.ty of general business to cure them.

In fact, general prosperity may have the effect of making our figf,t for .tolu-i and profits even harder than it is toiay, on-account of the competition that is certain to grow in intensity when building dbllars become plenti{ul again'

Pqople spend their money for the things they want most -and- the -business man or industry that can make the public want his product more than something else is the one who collects the harvest'

Whether or not we will get our share of the consumer's dollar when he starts spending freely again, wil-l- depend on our ability to make him want our products. We have to make him- want, first, the things in which our products are used-a modern home, for instance' But that's only half the job. We then have to make him want the kind of materiils we sell, in preference to those sold by our direct competitors.

We can't do either of these jobs unless we're organized as an industry to do them. It sounds trite, but it's a fact no less today than in the past-we have to organize and play the game together !

Most of us realize how tragic has been the mad competition for volume at the e*penle of profits-all the result of our failure to know one another better and to work more

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