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lVendling-Nathan Co.

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Chromium Pl ated

Chromium Pl ated


Wholesalers of Douglas Fir Redwood

California Pine

California Sugar Pine

If you have never had &

Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.

Main Ofice: A. L Hoover, Agt. San Francisco Los Angeles

I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.

Get Your Thrills Today

One of the hardest things for most of us to do is to live to the fullest in the present. We are always thinking about what we are going to do some day.

Some day we are going to visit Capri and sit in the sun where we can watch the bronze-bodied swimmers in the blue water.

Some day we are going to find tirne to read all those tempting books on the shelf.

Some day we are going to put all fear out of our hearts and accept the universe with the certainty that the law is taking care of everything, ourselves included.

Some day we are going to do so many things we love to do.

But today, which is all the day we'll ever know anything about, we treat as something of no great value. Today we'll do what we can to pass the time away.

But tomorrsqr-sft, tomorrow will come trailing clouds of glory. But when tomorrow comes, we find it is only today again.

And so life goes. That is why the wise do their kissing when they are young.-Thomas Dreier.

Youthful Opinion

Sunday School fs3ghgl-"Why did Noah take two of each kind of animal into the ark?"

Bright Child"Because he didn't believe that stork story."

My Specialty

It takes me full five hours to drive From Jonesville to my door, But Smith declares one day last week He made the trip in four.

He left at 8, arrived at L2, Or just a moment later. Is Srnith so fast? Oh, no, he's just A plain prevaricator.

Jim Williams drives the same old bus He bought in twenty-two It's done a hundred thousand miles And still as good as new.

Repair bills in those years, says Jim, Were seven ninety-six. Some car, you say? And yet perhaps Jim's memory plays him tricks.

Tom Edwards drove across the ridge From Mountain Lake to here And climbed the grade past Eagle Peak And never changed a gear.

Do any of us really think He made that trip in high? Oh, no, we say "That's going some," And know it's all a lie.

I'm handicapped when with that bunch Of guys, for in my youth I was brought up a parson's son And taught to tell the truth.

I cannot brag upon my speed, But often I've been wishing, That gang would switch the subject once And let me talk of fishing.

-Dudley Glass.

No Rush

Wife-"Do you know that stuff you're drinking is slow poison ?"

Husband-"O.K. I'm in no rush."


He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself ; for every man has need to be forgiven.-Lord Herbert.

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