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San Francisco Building Permits Show Increase Over Last Year-Boston Only Rival

San Francisco is the only large western city 'whose building permits show an increase over last year.

In fact there is only one other large American city that can claim that distinction-Boston.

San Francisco has much to be proud of in this regard, for there are few American cities of any size rvhose builcling permits for l93l come anywhere near equalling their 1930 level.

San Francisco permits for August, 1931, rvere $1,992,305, as compared with $1,242)8 for August of last year.

Log Exports Increase

According to Trade Commissioner E. T. Hester, of Manila, the exports of lumber from the Philippines for the first six months of 1931 were 16,500,00O feet, as compared with 36,500,000 feet for the same period of 1930.

However the exports of logs from the Philippines for that period of 1931 totaled 13,500,000 as compared with 13,000,000 for last year.

Mill inventories show stocks on hand this year to be approximately one half that of last year.

Here are the building recorcls of Sarr and last by month, and total :


Imports of American doors into Great Britain for the first seven months of 1931 showed a decline from last year of only 7/o, and since this is computed by value and not number of doors, there was probablyr no decline at all. Shipments of Swedish doors into Great Britain declined heavily during that period, and Russian shipments increased.

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