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With That Mutual Interest

Expert counsel to prevent firesSpecialized policies to protect against lossSubstantial dividends to protect against cosL 'Write any of our companies.


He went over to Russia and sat down and communed with the Communist gang. Between himself and Stalin who now holds the job of Chief Butcher in tortured Russia, it was a case of love at first sight. Of course, they couldn't understand each other, which helped a lot' But they soon found that they liked the same sort of whiskers -probably to hide the same sort of mugs-and both of thim were against everything and in favor of fooling everybody. So they went over big with one another'

And George Bernard went back to Merrie England from rotting Russia and burst into print. At sky-limit prices per word he told the capitalistic world what a marvelous it ing i. this Communistic movement-tho greatest Government on earth. He praised it to the mountain topsand higher. Yet his old cracked pate didn't seem to sense the fact that in apparently defending and praising Communism, the very facts that he so glibly related proved once again the horror of the slimy Thing. Sure, he tells us, the Com.rnunistic Council runs Russia. Sure it has power of life and death, freedom and confinement, happiness and torture. It has more. It has infallibility' That's all this whiskered British Bolshevik credits these higherup Communists with.

LIe tells us that in Russia a man is iudged by his use' fulness. If he proves not useful, the Council acts, and he is seen no more. Or, if a man shows ambition, tries to raise above the squalor of his swroundings, tries to create something, to possess something-to him comes oblivion' No trial. No hearing. No human justice. He just disappears, and he never comes back. And that Omnipotent po*"" George Bernard proudly places in the hands of those denizens of darkness who make up that higher Council; men who come from the alleys, the gutters, the prisons, the foul places of the world.

If ever a man hung himself on his own cross' hoisted himself on his own petard as Bill Shakespeare said, tfiis gigantic egotist, this rnonumental windbag, has done it in his written story of Russia. He not only admits but boasts of the things that make Communism a horror in the minds of every decent man and woman on earth. ' He not only convicts Communism-he convicts himself.. Why doesn't England send him back to Russia to help the great cause? Perhaps they would put the gauge of usefulness on HIM' In which case just one more name would be added to the list of those who have disappeared in Russia, and never returned.

Fire Chiefs See Firc Test o[

Redwood Crib Construction

Reuben W. Smith, of the trade extension department of the California Redwood Association, was on the program at the annual convention of the Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs, held at the U. S. Grant Hotel, San Diego, Seotember 4 io 8. Mr. Smith talked on Redwood Crib Cohstruction and gave a demonstration of the actual effect of fire on 2x6laminated walls of Redwood' The fire chiefs *tto came from 11 'Western States and from British Columbia. showed much interest in the demonstration'

For, while groding rules mqy meon nothing lo her, il is SOFI's lmproved Groding which provides the supreme beouty in SOFI fooring fhot meons everylhing to her.

Thcrc ir no fiooring beoulY liko SOFI Bcoury.


Folks, this is the newly elected President of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Association, whose official name is Henry W. Swafiord, Vice President oi P. J-. Stal-ton & Son, Los Angeles. He was elected to this hig-h office at the recent meiting in Victoria, B. C. Mr. Swafford is one of the most popular members of the Association, a live wire always in its councils, and one of the most vigorous and efiective salesmen in the lumber industry of the Southwest. He is a brother-inlaw of Roy Stanton, President of E. J. Stanton & Son.


Max E. Cook, head of the Redwood Farm Structures Bureau, San Francisco, returned August 31 from two weeks' vacation spent in the Feather River Canyon. Max is quite proud of the fact that he has recently been beating 90 for 18 holes, althought he has not had much time for practice, and only became a golf addict about a year ago.

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