1 minute read

Creo-Dipt a nn2unces 0 complete line of CREO-DIPT ASBESTOS SHINGLES

l\TOW Creo-Dipt offers the lumber dealer the r\ most complete line of roof and sidewall mat6rials in the building industry.

First, we have just taken over the complete line of Mohawk Asbestos Shingles, which have been specified by leading architects for nearly twenty years.

In addition to Creo-Dipt l\lohawk Shingles, we also offer an entirely new line of Creo-Dipt Asbestos Shingles, including a wide range of prices and designs that will double the roofing market in your territory.

We believe no other manufacturer offers so many products that you can profitably handle. Stained Shingles, Weatherproofed Paper, CreoDipt Stains-look at the list on this page!

T he most complete line of rool and, sidewall materials in the build'ins industry.

1. Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles

2. Creo-Dipt Hand-Split Pilgrims

3. Creo-Dipt Asbestos Shingles

4. Creo-Dipt Mohawk Shingles

5. Creo-Dipt Stains

6. Creo-Dipt White

7. Creo-Dipt Weatherproofed Paper

The new l00o/o Creo-Dipt Dealer Plan gives every dealer who handles the full Creo-Dipt line a chance to make an even greater profit on each product. Don't fail to have our representative tell you all about this plan !

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