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Here it is A neu) lou: cost home construction, plan that uill enuble thousand,s to build nou)
TT'S called rHE PRocRESSIvE HoME.
f Beginning with a 3-room cottage whose total cost including lot is between $2000 and $3000, it grows bY successive steps into several difierent styles of 4-, 5-, 6-, or ?-room homesarchitecturally correct-complete in every detail-attractive at everystep'
Now even on an income of $1800 a year, a man can build and maintain a really fine home. As his savings grow, and as family requirements increase, he can make additions, till eventually he is possessor of a lovely $10,000 home styled in anY one of ninety ili,ferent ways! lnoLher sales opportunity is open for the lumber merchants of America. There are thousands of apartment dwellers and other renters who will take advantage of this chance to build their dream home with the money now spent for rent.
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association has prepared an intensely interesting twenty-five page booklet. "The House For The Growing Income," that shows how easy it isto becomeahome owner. It contains pictures, plans, specifications,.and complete details of this ingenious home. A free copy of this booklet will be mailed you on request. Quantities are available at half cost for' distribution to your prospects.
ACT NOW. An aggressive campaign in your territory should bring you not only immediate business, but an assured volume of lumber sales from each customer who makes additions to this home in years to come. Mail the coupon, ?2o?r.
Mail Coupon For Free Copy
Naqoml Luuren Mrxuumunpro AsmrrrroN, Dept, 338 Transportation Building, Wchington, D. C. Pleow send me a fm mpy of "The lfourc For The Growing Income," and details of the halfost plan for distributing copies to Ey prospects.