2 minute read
The Game Guy's Prayer
-?9"r God: Help me to be a sport in this little game of life. I don't ask for any plaie in the line-up;-pla-y me anywhere you need me. I only ask for ttre ituff !9 gluq ygu one hundred per cent of what I've got. If all the hard drives seem to come my wa5 I think You for the compliment. Help me to -remember that You won't ever let anything come my way that you and I together can't handG. And 6elp ine to take the bad_breaks as part of the game. Help me to understand that the game is full of knots and knocks and trouble and make me thankful for them. Help me to get so that the harder they come the better f tit<e it.
-_And Oh, God, help me to always play on the square. No matter what the other playeis do, help me to come clean. Help me to study ihe Book so^that I,ll know_ the rules, and to study and think a lot about the Greatest Player that ever lived, and other great players that are told about in the Book. If "they foqnd out that the best part of the game was helping other guys who were out of luck, help me to find ii out too. Help me to be a regular fellef with the other players.
Finally, Oh God, if fate seems to uppercut me with both hands and I'm laid on the shelf in^sickness or old age or something, help me to take that as part of the game too. Help- me not to whimper or squeal that the game was a frame-up or that I-had a raw deal. - When, in the falling dusk I get the final bell, I ask for no.lfing^cgpplimentary stones. I'd only iik. to know that YOU feel that I've been a good gime guy.
(Author Unknown)
\(/eyerhaeuser Sales Co. Moves to St. Paul; Other Changes
. On September first the executive offices of the Weyer- haeuser Sales Company were moved from Spokarr., Wishllgton _where they have been located sinci 1919, to St. Paul, Minnesota, where all the Weyerhaeuser headquarters are being concentrated at the present time. The entire 20th floor of the new First National Bank Building in St. paul ishousingtheSalesCompanywithitssixty[eople
Here are nolv located F. K. Weyerhaeuser, president; I. N. Tate, General Manager; F. C. Simorrron, Fi.ld Di.."- tor; and C. C. Koerner, Credit Manager.
The box, crate, and pole divisions, now located in Chi_ cago, will be moved to St. paul also.'
_ Al important office will be maintained at Spokane with D .L. Lawrence,-.Assistant General Managerl in charge. This will be the district sales office for the iveit, includi-ng California and Arizona.
Seattle, Washington, September l.-John A. pauw, an engineer on the staff of the West Coast Lrrmbermen,s Association, was killed on August D when his automobile plunged off the Columbia River Highway a short distance west of Crown Point while traveling toward portland and dropped to the bottom of 4 deep gorge. Mr. pauw is believed to have lost control of his car when momentarily blinded by the late afternoon sun.