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CBLOTDX Oz*+@tu,

For every Celotex dealernew sales opportunities plus faster turnover plus added profits. .. i. 6 new products added to the Celotex line 6 marerials of the highest quality-priced to sell in today's market.



A flexible all-hair felted blanket of remarkably high insulating efficiency. Stitched between tough, heavy waterproof paper. Resists fire and moisture. Repellent to rodents and vermin. Great resiliencv and durability.


An insulating blanket of animal hair 3nd imported fibreflexible and resilient. Chemically treated to resist fire. Repellent to rodents and vermin. Strongly stitched between layers of heavy waterproof paper.


'oThe Board with the Redwood Core"-durable, light, permanent. Does not warp, buckle or split. In constant demand for a wide variety of uses: panels, displays, cabinets, partitions, etc.


The only Aply pulp board, a fiull3/L6" thick. Absolutely uniform. A dead level, smooth surface-varnish sized to take any decorationo especially water-color paints)


A 4-ply pulp board, strong, durable and rigidfor partitions, panels and other uses. 3/L(' thick. Beater-sized on both surfaces for all types of decoration.


A 4-ply utility pulp board for many purposes-beater sized on both surlaces to take decorations easily.

These prod.ucts will be sold, only by Celotet, sales forces under the satne policies that haoe guiiled The Celotex, Company since its inception l0 years ago. For specifications and, priqes see the Celotex representatiae.

The Celotex Company, glg North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Sales distrib, utors throughout the World.

In Canado: Aletander Mutray & Co., Lttl., Montreal

Sugar Pine Lumber Co. Ships Triin Load o[ Lumber

A solid trainload of lumber will be shipped from the operations of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, I-td., Pinedile, California, during the latter part of leptember' lhip- *.ttt" in this train wil-l be largely Sugar Pine, destined, for use in foundries for pattern making, for retail yards, planing mills, for sash ani doot factories and woodworking and industrial concerns, located at points in twenty states a.nd Canada. All shipments will be made from the Sug-ar Pine Lumber Company, Ltd., operations at Pinedale, California, or its subsidiiry,- the Yosemite Lumber Company, Ltd., at Merced Falls, California.

The.se two plants have an annual producing capacity of 160 million f6et, or approximately 8,000 railroad cars of lumber per /€ar; If these 8,000.cars.were shipped i.n one train, each cit containing n,W bbard feet, it would be approximately 77 miles in' length, and its weight approximately 320 million pounds.

The principal species of rvood manufactured is Sugar Pine, (Pinus'Lambertiana) a soft, trye White Pine of the five-needle variety. Sugar Pind:'s chief uses are for.patterns and flasks in foundrieJ and castings works, for high class soft textured mouldings, for sash and doors and fine wood work where beauty, itrength, rot resisting qualities and 'ease of working are important, and for general utility purposes where a frigtr grade, soft-textured Pine is required.

The operations of the'Sugar Pine Lumber- Company, r Ltd., now produce approximately one-half of the total - Sugar Pine tut in the-United States. Inventories of from 75 to 10O million feet of manufactured lumber are constant-' ly carried, available for immediate shipment. - The-major portion of the stock is thoroughly air seasoned in climatic ionditions ideal for the drying of lumber. During the,long summer months temperatures ranging from 90 to 115 degrees prevail and the atmospheric moisture content runs inu.nilly lo*. This fortunate arrangement of nature allows the lumber to season thoroughly and uniformly with- out the case hardening, kiln burning and stresses set up by kiln-drying methods. The timber stands occur in the beautiful and rugged high Sierra Mountains of California, at an altitude of f*r6m fivi to seven thousand feet, the true home of the Sugar Pines where Nature has been growing these trees for man's use over hundreds of years. The annular ring growths of a number of the trees indicate that many oT thein-have been growing for 750 to 800 years. The majority of the logs aie from 3 to 7-l fee_t-in diameter, and the trees range in height lrom 175 to 25O leet. lighty-nine miles of -railroad dre operated over to bring these giant trees from the woods to the sawmill. In the actual woods operation all logging equipment is electrical to minimize t6e fire hazard.- About one thousand four hundred men are employed at the normal peak- period of operation.-to log, fall-, siw, pile and ship the products of these two mills.

Russian Lumbcr Floods Market in Argentina

Consular reports show that there is about twenty million feet of Russiin lumber piled up on the docks of Buenos Aires, Argentina, efiectually flooding that market and filling all aviilable storage space. The report states that there is-no one apparently in a position to pay for the storage oI this lumbef ana tnit it may be sold at auction. This stock oarticularly hurts West Coast lumber. Stocks of North hmerican iumber in Argentina are low.

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