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Coast Counties Lumb ermen Meet at Santa Cruz
With an attendance of more than 6O the general meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club held at Santi Cruz on Wednesday evening, August 26, was said to be the finest meeting from every point of view ever held by this organization.
Otto Hartwig, field man of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, was the principal speaker of the even- itg. One prominent member of the club described Mr. Hartwig's talk as "decidedly inspirational, and full of constructive ideas", and said that -all present should derive great benefit from hearing the address.
James Fellon, district investigator of the State Contractors' License Bureau, spoke on the operation of the California Contractors' License Law. its usefulness and its enforcement. Mr. Fellon proved to his hearers that if they take advantage of the provisions of this law, it will prov-e to be a most effective weapon against the wildcat .otttr".tor.
D. C. Essley, manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, followed with a splendid talk on the activities and accomplishments of his issociation.
Hubert Linscott, baritone, of New York, sang three s-ongs, accompanied by Mrs. Paula Merrill, and Tony Landrum, banjoist, pleased his audience with some lively numbers.
Some of the members traveled as far as 200 miles to attend the meeting. The attendance list was as follows:
Otto Hartwig, West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. . Seattle, Wash.
D .C. Essley, Calif. Retail Lumbermen's Assn.. Oakland
M. D. Bishop, Coast Counties Lumbermen's Assn. .... watsonviile
H. Farrington, Watsonville Lumbermen's Club. Watsonville
A. Stoodley, Santa Cruz Lumbermen's Club. Santa Cruz
R. P. Davison, Salinas Lumbermen's Club. .Salinas
F. A. Witmer, Monterey Peninsula Lumbermen's CIub ... pacific Grove
J. L. Handley, M. J. Murphy, Inc. .. Carmel
Edd Chew. M. J. Murphy, Inc. .. Carmel
J. V. Creath, Central Coast Lumber Yards Morro Bay
W. A. Bales, McKinnon's Lumber Yard . Hollister
Roy C. Brown, McKinnon's Lumber Yard. Hollister
It. $. !rin1e, Tyn_an Lumber Co. Monterey
C. L. Frederick, Sterling Lumber Co. ....Salinas
Geo. A. Good, Good Lumber Co. pacific Grove
CAas. Peterson, Peterson's Planing Mills. .. .Watsonville
A. E. Dubrey, S. F. Wrecking Co. .Watsonville
H. M. Terwilliger, S. F. Wrecking Co. Watsonville
W. H. Enlow, Ifammond Lumber Co. .Watsonville
\Marren Wilkie, Wilkie Lumber Co. .. Watsonville
H. A. Hansen, IJnion Supply Co. . Monterey
4enry_Hansen, IJnion_Supply Co. . .... Monterey
C. E. Colburn, IJnion Supply Co. Monterey
Jack Norton, Norton Phelps Lumber Co. Santa Cru2 g._F._Hgnjy, So_. Pac. YLtlilS Co.........King City, Catif.
!_. 4. Tqq"y, Norton Phelps Lumber Co. Aptos, Calif.
H. T. Alzina, Misson Lumber Co. .......Santa Crtz., Calif.
W. B. Gettys, Mission Lumber Co. ... Santa Cruz. Calif.
H. C. Jensen, Sunnyside Lumber Co. Santa Cruz. Caljf..
Manuel Silver, Sunnyside Lumber Co. Santa Cruz. C"tii.
W.H. Dillon, So. Pac. Milling Co....San Francisco, Calif.
J*. H. Kirk, So. Pac. IVlilling Co...San Luis Obispo, C"Ut.
Boy E, Reinhart, So. Pac. Milling Co. . San Ardo, Calif.
J.E Reintrart, 59. Pac. Milling Co. ......SanLucas, Catii.
H._Parsons, 59. Pac. Milling Co. ...Gonzales, Cufii.
P. Yager, So. Pac. Milling Co. . Gonzales, Calif.
B. Parley, Central Supply Co...........Watsonville, Calif.
Norman Hanson, Central Supply Company ..Aptos, Calif.
G. O. Meserve, Central Supply Company.Santa Cruz, Calif.
E. H. Bacon, Central Supply Company..... .Salinas, Calif.
Geo. W. Wood, Wood eri,s. Comf anv ..Santa Cruz, Calif..
Mendel Van Houten, Wood Bros. Co.. Santa Cruz, Calif.
E. E. Carriger, Wood Bros. Company...Santa Cruz, Calif.
Geo. N. Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Co. Santa Cruz, Calif.
J. M. Maddock, Santa Cruz Lumber Co.. .Santa Cruz, Calif.
L. J. Thorp, Santa Cruz Lumber Co. Santa Cruz, Calif.
G. A. Karnes, Santa Cruz Lumber Co....Santa Cruz, Calif.
J. L. Schutte, Santa Cruz Lumber Co. Santa Cruz, Calif
E. J. Scribner, Santa Cruz Lumber Co. Santa Craz, Calif.
W. R. Holt, Santa Cruz Lumber Co. , Santa Cruz, Calif.
C. W. Scofield, Santa Cruz Lumber Co.. .Santa Cruz, Calif
A. C. Hayward, Homer T. Hayward Lum. Co... .... Salinas, Calif.
S. B. Moore, Homer T. Hayward Lum. Co.. Salinas, Calif.
Guy Kammerer, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co... ... Salinas, Calif.
C. H. Griffen, Jr., Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co... .SantaCruz,Calif.
L. M. Hebbron, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co... .Santa Cruz,Calif.
W. D. Cory, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. Santa Cruz, Calif
Glen Bronson, Ifomer T. Hayward Lumber Co Watsonville, Calif.
Frank Sparling, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. .. Hollister. Calif.
J. A. Greenelsh . San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Wm. Arnold .... . Shickling, Pa.
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