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Contractors and Building Material U. S. Bldg.-Loan League Advocate Dealers to Meet at Chico Changes in Methods of Taxation

Sacramento, Sept. lO.-Ilfore than 200 contractors, subcontractors, material dealers from Butte, Glenn, Colusa, Tehama, and northern portions of Sutter and Yuba counties are expected to attend a meeting of contractors to be held at 8 p. -. Wednesday in the Chico municipal building at Chico, it lvas announced today.

Col. Carlos W. Huntingion, state registrar of contractors and director of professional and vocational standards in Governor Rolph's cabinet, is expected to be one of the principal speakers.

The meeting, which is expected to be attended by persons engaged in various branches of the building industry, is being sponsored by the Chico cha.mber of commerce to enable building men of the Sacramento valley to become more thoroqghly familiar tvith the scope, purposes and accomplishments of the state contractors' registration act, according to Ray Pierce, president of the chamber.

Glen V. Slater, deputy registrar of contractors, is also scheduled to attend the meeting and discuss provisions of the contractors' act. Pierce will preside at the meeting, which will be open to the public as well as to persons interested in any branch of the construction industry.

In addition, I. I. Gallagher, San Francisco, secretary of the state compensation insurance fund, and Ralph S. Rou'dle, Sacramento, district supervisor in the bureau of contractors registration, will also speak. Gallagher will discuss the operations of the compensation act as it relates to the construction industry.

The session will be featured by a discussion of the operations of the contractors' act, which is aimed to protect the general public as well as the legitimate contractor. This will be followed by an open forum discussion, during which any questions will be answered.

Sponsored by California contractors' organizations, the measure was passed by the 1929 legislature as a means of promoting higher standards and ethics in the industry and to protect the general public as well as the small wageearner who invests his life savings in a home.


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Los Angeles, Sept. 3.-Revolutionary changes in methods of taxation including abolition of the general property tax in its present form, and Federal incorporation of building-loan associations was advocated today by committees of the United States Building-Loan League in convention at French Lick, Ind., according to word received by Neill Davis, executive-secretary of the California Building-Loan League.

The committee on home taxation of the league advocated a three point program-abolition of the general property tax, abolition of the special assessment plan and the combination of the multitude of taxes into one tax bill scientifically applied and divided among the various general and special political, educational, service and social activities. In the meantime building-loan associations were urged to make loans in a manner that shall include periodic payments of all essential elements of any home loan such as interest, principal, taxes, insurance premiums, improvement assessments, water rents and the like. The report urged the shifting of the tax from the home, no! by the transfer to other sources, but by an intelligent spread in an equitable manner over all financial transactions on the grounds that the ad valorem tax is no longer practicable and should be discarded.

In view of the recent enactment of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, the committee on reserve credits and banking relations advocated Federal incorporation of buildingloan associations. The report declared, "Federal incorporation is especially desirable in order to achieve uniform supervision of standards and practice. As we see the practical rvorkings of the home loan banks we realize more and more the necessity of those standards."

Milton Koll Returns From Northwest Trip

Milton Koll, A. J. Koll Planing Mill Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a month's trip in the Northwest, touring the states of Oregon and Washington and British Columbia. His trip also included a visit at Lake Tahoe.

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