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Hoo Hoo Annual to be Held at Milwaukee September 28-29-30

The forty-first annual convention of Hoo-Hoo International will be held September 28-D-3O, at the Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Snark of the lJniverse Benjamin F. Springer, who lives in Milwaukee, says the Milwaukee Hoo-Hoo Club and the lumbermen of the city will do a real job on the local arrangements to insure visiting Black Cats the time of their lives during the meeting.

John B. Bertling, Badger Lumber & Supply Corporation, St. Francis, Wis., is president of the club; Claude E. Flambeau, Badger Sash & Door Co., vice-president, and Don S. Montgomery, secretary of the Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, secretary-treasurer. The directors are Louis J. Best, Best Lumber Co.; Robert Blackburn, Wilbur Lumber Co.; E. F. Budzien, 'Wisconsin Lumber & Supply Co.; H. H. Hansen, Brannum Lumber Co., and G. G. Kuntz, Florida-Louisiana Red Cypress Co. All of these ofiicers are pitching into the job of making the forty-first one of the best annuals of all, and they are being assisted by Snark Springer, State Counselor Ernest A. Ehlert, and Vicegerent Snark Harry B. Koerble.

While plans for the business program are still in the tentative stage, the purpose is to discuss seriously the many important problems of the Lumber Industry rvhere Hoo-Hoo might be of assistance. The attendance of repre6entatives of various lumber trade associations is expected. All Hoo-Hoo clubs are being asked to send at least one official delegate. A good attendance is expected, particularly from neighboring and the central states.

The tentative program of the convention follolvs:


9:@ Registration.



2:@ Official opening. Forty-first Annual Meeting. Benjamin F. Springer, Snark of the Universe, I\{ilwaukee, Wisconsin, Presiding.

Singing by entire Convention

(a) "America".

(b) "God Save the King"'

Address of Welcome by John B. Bertling' President Milwaukee FIoo-Hoo Club.

Report of the Snark of the lJniverse, Benjamin F. Springer.

Report of the Secretary-Treasurer' H. R. Isherwood.

Reports of I\{embers of the Supreme Nine.

. Appointment Committees.

4:39 Adjournment.

6:39 Osirian Cloister Banquet, Pfister Hotel. Franklin A. Hofheins, High Priest of Osiris presiding.

Dancing to follorv Banquet program.


Morning l2:09 Adjournment.

9:39 Business Session.

Reports of Vicegerent Snarks activities. Reports of Hoo-Hoo Clubs activities.

Speakers of prominence representing the Associations of the Industty-to be followed by discussion of closer cooperation betrveen Hoo-Hoo and all Associations of the Lumber Industry in the protection and promotion of Wood.


All Committees in session.

7:39 Concatenation. Pfister Hotel, in charge of Harry B. Koerble, Vicegerent Snark.

9:39 Stag, a'la Milwaukee "Kolter Aufschnitt", compliments Mihvaukee Hoo-Hoo Club.



9:39 Report of Committees.

Election of Officers.

Embalming of the Snark of the Universe.

11:39 Adjournment.

Golf Tournament.


Ladies Entertainment-Banquet and dancing. Luncheon and Bridge parties. Sight seeing trips. Shopping tours. Theatre PartY'

Starts Business in Oakland

Harry Scare, recently with the Bay City Lumber Co., Oakland, has started in the retail sash and door business at 7514 East 14th street, Oakland. The business will be run under the name of Builders' Supply & Material Co.

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