2 minute read
Rate---$2.50 Per Column Inch.
For Lease
Retail lumber yard or fa,ctory site, corner Ravenswood Ave. and State Highway, Menlo Park, California, has spur track and heavy construction two story warehouse. Address R. W. Follmer, General Contractor. 465 Lvtton Ave.. Palo Alto. Calif. Phone 7325.
Young lady with several years' experience in the lumber business, wants position with Los Angeles lumber firm. Familiar with a1l office details. Address Box C-444. care California Lumber Merchant.
Yard Manager Wanted
Manager of highly competitive yard. Town 4000 population within 75 miles of Los Angeles. Must be thoroughly capable and experienced in all lines of retail lumber and building materials. Must have good personality, be a good mixer and good collector. Should be able to speak Spanish. Give past experience and state qualifications and salary desired in application. Address Box C-451, California Lumber Merchant.
Young Lumberman
8 years experience in the mill-wholesale and retail trade. Thorough knowledge of general office and detail work. Age 25, single, desires position, preferably in the sales end. A-1 references. Address Box C-450. The California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Best of references can be given as to ability in all branches during the past fifteen years in Southern California. Fast and accurate at Estimating, Bookkeeping, etc. Thoroughly understands Sash and Doors also. Take anything-go any place. Address Box C-452, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Man With Portable Mill To Cut White Pine
Man with Portable Mill r,vanted to cut White Pine timber located in Central California. Will pay on a Per M l>oard feet basis. Goocl opportunity. Address California Lumber Merchant, Box C-453.
1500 So. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Calif. Must Be Sold at Once Machinery Will Be Sold for Any Reasonable Offer
I Columbia 3-Drum Sander; 1 Mattison Automatic Lathe, complete with Knives, Heads and Cirriers; I 1-6-Segiment Veneer Saw; i r-"tt Band Saw; 2 Hermance 6" Stickers; 1 Levi Huston 9' Sticke r; 1 H. B. Smith 14" Sticker; 1 Olive -P-owgr Rip Saw; .1 Electric Knife Grinder; Blower System Complete; l Root Double Cut-off Saw;l American Hollow Chisel Mortiser; l American Tenoner; 1 Yates-Self Feed Rip Saw; Sticker Knives; Buffer and Grinder; Planer Knives; I Shaving Burner, etc. All machinery with individual nrotors, etc.
I 1930 Model A Ford Lumber Truck, Dual Wheels; I Fordson Tractor; Trailors; Of6ce Furniture; I Safe; Derkr, etc' Termr caah, F.o.B. yard - Alr sales
D. took trict,
N. (Nat) Edwards, Cakland Planing Mill, Oakland, his rvhole mill crerv dcer hunting in the Willits disover the Labor Day holiday.
The San Francisco ofifice of the Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corporation has been moved from the Hobart Building to the Bank of America Building, 625 tr{arket Street. The telephone number, GAr'fielcl 1839, is unchanged. H. Virgil Richar<ls is nranager.
In Charge
New Yard At Port Chicago
C. A. Doty ancl A. F. Christian have organized the Bay Poir.rt Luml>er Co. and will operate a yard at Port Chicago (formerlv knorvn as Bav Point).
Feather River Pine Mills Will Build New Mill
A nerv tr.vo or three band mill to replace the company's rnill rvhich burned at Oroville 1n 1927 with a loss of $2,000,000, rvill be built at soon as economic conditions warr ant, according to an annorlncement made recently at Oroville by the Feather River Pine Mills.
PaNrl Srocno,aVrNEER in OAK
QuanetTd.whtte Platn wnttc WaliutBIRCH
Philippine-fulahogany vnuocnw White ledar RED GUM
QyartgEa Flgurcd .untelected O REG ON PINE
We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand. Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.
AIso a Complete Line of PressedWood Mouldings
9;..1.-967 sourrr ALAMEDA sTREET
Tclcphone TRinitl cr57
MzilingAddrcts: P. O. Box 96, Arcade Station IOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA