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Rebuilding of Hardwood Yard Completed in 75 Days

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Rebuilding of the . -rsvth Hardwood Cornpany's plant at 1855 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, recently destroyed by fire, was con.rpleted within 75 days, at which time no visible sign of the fire remained.

The accompanying picture shows the front vierv of the new building. The front is of stttc,co and stone, trimmed in hand-hewn Redwood.

The rvhole yard is double decked and under cover. All gang\\'a)'s are asphalted. Most of the new stock has arrived and all lfastern shipments will be completed by October 1, according to P. R. "Bob" Kahu, mallager.

The loading platform at the rear is 150 feet long. Here six cars can be spotted on the spur track.

The panel room has a capacity of seven cars, and is already stocked with three carloads of hardrvood and four carloads of Fir panels.

Shorving their belief in harclu'oods for ir.rterior finish the office is trimmed in Oak througl.rout, rvith Oak floors.

J. Arthur Edgecumbe With Loop Lumber Co.

J. Arthur liclgecumbe, rvho was prominently identified rvith the Red Cedar shingle industry for the past twentyfive years, tlied at Minneapolis, Minn., on August 22, following an operation. He was 42 years of age. He is sttrvivecl by his wife and four children.

He moved to IVlinneapolis several years ago from Vancouver, B. C., where he organized the Eclham Co. (In'c.), specializing in stained shingles, which he operated until he sold his business to the Twin City Lumber & Shingle Company, a Weyerhaeuser subsidiary, within the past year; he remainecl as sales manager of the shingle division of the concern.

Mr. Edgecumbe was a former president of the Shingle Manufacturers Association of British Columbia. While lir'ing in Vancouver, he was president of the EdgecumbeNewharn Co. (Ltd.), Canada Shingle Co. (Ltd.), and the Edham Shingle Mills (Ltd.).

W. J. Clarksotr, rvell knotvn nran, recently joined the sales pany, San Francisco.

San Francisco lumber salesstaff of Loop l-urnber Com-

Joins Wholesale Association

Gripper & Haglind, of 7I4 West 10th Street, Los Angeles, re,cently became a member of the California Wholesale Lumber Association. This firm represents the Southeast Portland Lumber Co.. Portland. in Southern California.

Edgar Pack Visits California

Edgar Pack of Seattle, representative of the Chas. Nelson Co., has returned to the Northwest after spending several days in California. He was a visitor at the company's San Francisco offi'ce, and also spent a few days in Los Angeles calling on his lumbermen friends.

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