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Co., Portland; B. ii. I3ryan, Strable Hardrvood Co., Oakland; Bert Galleher, Reid-Galleher Co., Los Angeles, and Al Frost, Frost Hardwood Co., San Diego.

An advertising committee to function with the advertising committee of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association was appointed ,consisting of Bert Galleher, chairman; E. A. Howard, M. A. Thornsen, and John Johnson.

Speakers rvho gave short talks on general matters of business discussed at the meeting included Q. J. Crh;tt, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Grover Gearhart, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco; Chas. Koenig, Inlaid Floor Co., San Fran,cisco; A. J. Bowman, Bowman Building Supply Co., Berkeley; President Chas. M. Cooper and Secretary-treasurer Grover Gearhart.

Resolutions included one defining the status of the hardwood flooring dealers as wholesalers, and another setting the dues to be paid by exclusive flooring dealers.

Frank Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was elected president; B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, was re-ele,cted vi.ce-president, and Grover Gearhart, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was re-elected secretary-treasLlrer.

Directors were all re-elected. These are: Jerry Sullivan, San Diego; C. H. White, San Fran,cisco; G. lf. Brown, Oakland ; J. E. Higgins, Jr., San Francisco; Roger Sands, Seattle; E. E. Hall, Portland, and H. W. Swafford, Los Angeles.

F. J. Garland

Frank J. Garland, for many years manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. yard at San Diego, Calif., diecl at his home there on August 17. He was 65 years of age.

Mr. Garland came to San Diego from Menominee, Mich., where he had been associated with the lumber business. He opened the McCormick yard at San Diego in 1911 and was manager of the yard until it was discontinued last year. He is survived by a son, Hastings Garlancl, and a daughter, Frances Garland, both of San Diego.

Wholesalers Confer With Mill Group at Portland

M. L. Euphrat, L. C. Stewart and Frank O'Connor of San Francisco, and Henry S. Patten and D. R. Philips of Los Angeles, representatives of the California Wholesale Lumber Association, left for Portland, Ore., Wednesday evening, September 13, where they will confer with a group of Fir manufacturers, September 15, on the Lumber eode re, garding shipments to California.

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