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Redwood Exhibit at L. A. Wastc Utilization Contestant County Fair Gets Patent

The California Redwood Association will have an attractive exhibit at the Los Angeles County Fair which is being held at Pomona, Calif., from Septernber 15 to 24, 1933. The display includes a front section of the Monterey type home, 20 feet in length, showing the use of Redrvood for both the exterior and interior finish. A moving picture of the Redwood lumber industry will also be exhibited three times each day. R. R. Leishmpn and E. W. Hemmings of the Association's l-os Angeles offi,ce rvill be in charge of the exhibit.

A Historic Paece o[ \food

The National Committee on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce has received a piece of wood recently removed from the British Museum, where it has been in service since 1834. The girder from rvhich this piece rvas sawed supported the floor of the heavy gallery of the Egyptian room. The wood, perfectly preserved, is Sylvester pine whi,cl-r is the common lumber pine of northerr-r Europe.


William Westover, of the White Star Lumber Co. and the Royal Shingle Co., Whites, Wash., recently spent a few days in San Francisco on business.

Washington, Sept. l.-W. H. Ferguson, Marshfield, Oregon, has obtained a patent for his "Line and Delay Graphic Recording Device for Sawmill Carriages" which won the second prize ol $5@ in the National Lumber Manufacturers Association Waste Prevention Contest in 1925-26. Mr. Ferguson says that he has had a great many letters from lumber manufacturing concerns in many parts of the United States. He intends soon to put the device into manufac' ture and sale either by himself or through some compaRy.

The Ferguson carriage applian,ce'is devised to furnish a graphic record of the number and character of carriage movements; the time required for sawing, loading, cantturning and unloading; and the length of the log sawed. It is calculated to provide information which makes it possible to eliminate inefficiency at the head saw to systemitize that portion of milling operations.


O. L. Russum, rvho was formerly a salesman for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently wrote to a friend in San Francisco asking to be remembered to his friends in the tumber business in California. Mr. Russum has been ivith Shepard & Morse Lumber Co., r,vholesale lun-rber dealers of Boston, n'lass., for the last trvo vears.

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