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LCA Will Announce Fourth Pacific Mutual Door Co. Has Quarter Production Quotas New L. A.
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 6.-Sawmill operators throughout the United States are awaiting announcement, which is expected shortly from Washington, of fourth quarter produ,ction quotas to Divisions. These quotas will be determined by the Authority of the Lumber Code.
In anticipation of this action and of allocation of its Division quota to individual mills in the territory, the Western Pine Association, as administrative agency of the 'Western Pine Division, has notified all known sawmills in the Division that all applications for fourth quarter production allotments must be received before September 16th. Any mills which failed to receive such notice wiil be eligible, of course, to allotments, provided their applications are received at the Western Pine Association offrce in Portland, Oregon by that date. Under the Code provisions, allotments are given by the Division agency to all mills who apply by the date specified and after such mills are determined to be eligible by having submitted acceptable evidence of ability to operate. It is expected that the individual production allotments will be announced about the Z1th ol this month.
D. C. Essley, San Francisco, attended the western retail lumbermen's ,conference at Denver, Colo., on August 24-25.
Announcement is made by the Pacific Mutual Door Company, Tacoma, that they have recently put on another salesman, J. A. Sullivan, to work out of their Los Angeles branch, in order to give better service to the Southern California trade.
E. C. Nordness is manager of the Southern California branch.
Box Shook Representatives Meet
A meeting of the Southern California representatives of the box shook'manufacturers and distributors was held at the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, on September 5. Charles C. Scurry of Los Angeles, field man for the National Wooden Box Association, and Jack Dobbins of San Francisco, manager of the Pacific Coast Division, National Wooden Box Association, addressed the meeting.
J. A. Privett, assistant manager of the E. Lumber Co. at Los Angeles recently broke his he fell while working in the yard at home. He his desk again but is carrying his arm in an splint.
K. Wood arm when is back at aeroplane
J. E. MARTIN Managing Editc
M. ADAMS Clrculallon Managcr
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