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From the files California Lumber Merchant, September 15, 1924


J. Walter Kelly was nominated for vicegerent snark at a meeting of the San Francisco Bay District IIoo Hoo on August 28. Dave Woodhead was recommended for election to the Supreme Nine, and A. B. Wastell was recommended for State Counsellor.


Fire and Redwood cargo receipts at San Pedro harbor for the month of August totaled 114,105,000 feet.


Lumber cargo arrivals, building permits, and the fact that many of the mills are not anxious to book new business indicates a strong lumber situation in California, th'e market report states. *

James H. Allen of Spokane, Wash., was elected Snark of the lJniverse at the thirty-third Hoo-Hoo annual meeting held at Minneapolis. Dave Woodhead of Los Angeies was elected Gurdon on the Supreme Nine. **tt ttrF+

Fred J. Crosier, who has been connected with the Sudden-Christenson Los Angeles sales department for some time, has resigned.

I-. M. Titus has joined the sales force of the Fred Golding Lumber Co. He was formerly with the Los Angeles Products Company.

"Everything is improving, in every line of business, and prospects for the next year look golden," Jack Dionne states, in the leading editorial, "Yes ! The Old Smile ls Back Again."


Building permits in the City of Los Angeles totaled $13.893,095.00 for the rnonth of August. The August permits showed an increase of nearly 20 per cent over July.

Building permits for August in the City of San Francisco showed an increase totaling $4,040.980.00. The July permits were $3,998,466.00. {<*{.

Rod Hendrickson was elected president of San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, at a meeting on August 28. R. F. .Hammatt was elected vice president, and John C. McCabe was reelected secretary-treasurer. ***

There is a photograph and sketch in this issue of T. Y. S. Ballantyne, general manager of the Dollar Portland Lumber Co. of Portland, Ore.

Roy Toombs, 47 years old, well known Texas sash and door manufacturer, of Fort Worth, died in Fort Worth on August 24.


The Johnson Lumber Company retail yard at Wilming- ton, Calif., has closed out all its stock and gone out of business'

The Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association held their semi-annu"i meeting at Santa Barbara on August 29-30. C. H. White of San Francisco presided at the meetting, and J. E. Higgins acted as secretary. Frank Fish, secretary of the National Hardwood Lumber Association, Chicago, attended the meeting. D. J. Cahill reported for the advertising committee outlining a plan tentatively decided upon. J. E. Higgins presided at the annual banquet when the winners in the golf tournament held at the La Cumbre Golf Club were awarded prizes. *'f*

R. F. "Dick" Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association; in a letter to Jack Dionne, says he is convinced of the carrying power of "The California Lumber Merchant" as an advertising medium. The Association in their September 1 ad in the "Merchant" offered the dealer a 4-color water-proofed JOB-SIGN, 22x38 inches in size. "Di'ck" states they received orders from 30 dealers for a total of.2,lffi of these signs up to the evening of September 10.

Import lumbercrrip*.1t, irrlo s"n Francisco for the rnonth of August were as follows: from California ports and interior of state, 7,830,000 feet; from Washington and Oregon ports, 43,172,000 feet. The total for the month rvas 51,007,000 feet. ***

A letter from H. G. Larrick, The Lumber & Builders Supply Co., Solano Beach, in rvhich he approves Jack Dionne's merchandising editorials in the September I number, is published in this issue.


The Tri-City Lumber Company has filed articles of incorporation with Hermosa Beach as their principal place of business. The new company is made up of George V. Learned, George O. Learned and Edward Townsend.

A special meeting of the Los Angeles District Lumbermen's C.lub was held on the evening of August 28. Secretary-Manager E. D. Tennant presided. Herb Stone, secretary of the Building Material Dealers' Credit Association, Los Angeles, talked on the Mechanics Lien Law.

A letter received from Joe Williams, Pratt & 'Warner, Los Angeles, with congratulations to the "Merchant" and thanking them for the way in which we have handled their advertising appears in this issue.

The rernoval of the general offices of the Pioneer Paper Company, Inc., Los Angeles, from 247 South Los Angeles street to their new $100,m0 administration building at Fifty-fifth and Alameda streets has been announced.

Published in this issue is a letter from The Conners (Fred and Adeline) to Jack l)ionne telling of the wonderful trip they are having touring through the Northwest.

Rosslyn Bros., Wilmington retailers, have rnade numerous enlargements and additions at their plant.

Jack Cavanagh, Petaluma of the golf tournament held Country Club on August 18.


Ittmbernran, was the wrnner at the Petaluma Golf ar-rcl

The Minton Company, Palo Alto, sends appears in this issrre endorsing Jack in the August 15 issue, "Stop Making

The Millwork Institute of California had a record attendance at the Third Quarterly meeting held at Santa Cruz, August 22-23. President Harry W. Gaetjen presided. In his report, Secretary-Treasurer H. T. Didesch discussed Service for Architects, the Manual, Peddling Bids, Advertising, and Cost Studies. The report of the Advertising Committee was made by H. J. Quinn of Los Angeles'

William Sproule, president o{ the Southern Pacific Company, addressed the San Francisco Hoo-lfoo Club on August 28.

The Preservation Of Principal Was Never More Important Than NOW

For that reason rnore and more investore are turning to com. petent invatment counsel. They appreciate the advantage of an unbiaeed source of guidance which truly (Represents the Buyer.tt

Brookmire has enjoyed a preeminent place in the field of economic and financial councel. Itr 3O years of unintertupted aerv.ice har enabled it to go far beyond the ordinary'tmartet analy. sbt' in mat<ing recoomendations. Our stafi is conotantly at work on the present and future probleme of industry.

Such a cervice can be valuable to you. Write today for a dercription with latert reportr on the investment and bucinelr outloot.

Frank Curran was elected vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles District at a meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club on September 5. Phil B. Hart was elected president of the club for the ensuing year. Dave Woodhead was recommended for rnembership to the Supreme Nine, and A. B. Wastell was endorsed for appointment as State counsellor'

The wedding of Miss Madeline O'Leary to Edrvin Peggs, Jr., took place at San Frar-rcisco on September 24. Mr. Peggs is sales nlanager for W. R. Chamberlin & co'*** x. *

The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo baseball club added another game to their string of victories by defeating the Alhambra Transfer tearn 8 to 7. B. W. Bookstaver carried off the batting honors.

There is an interesting article with charts in this issue rvhich was compiled by T. B. Lawrence. One of the charts shows the Los Angeles ltuilding permits from January 1, 1923 to August 31, 1924, together with the lumber receipts at San Pedro and prices of three basic items of Douglas fir for the same period, which brings out that lumber prices keep in line with the building permits and lurnber receipts. The second chart covers a period of six years, from l9l8 to 1923 inclusive, giving the Los Angeles building permits and rvaterborne lumber receipts into Southern California for this period.

"lmpartial Agents" Named

Washington, D. C., August 20.-In fulfillment of clauses contained in a number of minimum price bulletins provicling for the appointment of "Impartial Agents" to establish differentials in accordance with the provision of the Administrator's order of July 16th, the following have been approved as Irnpartial Agents for the respective divisions and subdivisions named: Northern Pine, W. A. Ellinger; Northern White Pine (Northern Hemlock Division), O. T. Swan; Cypress, William Petrie; Southern Pine, A. S. Boisfontaine; Northeastern Softwood, H. French; Staineci Shingles, D. M. O'Brien; Maple Flooring, E. C. Singler; Northern Hardwoods, O. T. Swan; Hardwood Plywood, A. D. King; Northern Hemlock, O. T. Swan; Western Pine, S. V. Fullaway; Northern Central Hardwood, W. W. Fobes; Douglas Fir & Hemlock, W. B. Greeley; American Walnut. Burdett Green; Commer'cial Veneer, L. W. Anderson; Oak Flooring, V. A. Sells; Wirebound Box, R. M. McClure; Sawed Wooden Box (Eastern), C. D. Hudson: Sawed Wooden Box (Western), C. D. Hudson.

It is the intention of the Lumber Code Authority's Costs and Prices Department to recommend that similar clauses be included in all other minimum price bulletins in order to provide for any possible necessity in regard to the sale of broken, damaged, obsolete or deteriorating stocks.

Mill Burned At Bieber

Fire destroyed the mill of the Big Valley Lumber Co. at Bieber, Calif., August 20. The loss was estimated at $30,000 by the owners.

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