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B. Anderson Named Atlantic Coast Manager

The Pacific Atlantic Lumber Corporation announces that on September 1, Mr. Lewis B. Anderson joined their sales organization. He will be in charge of the organizatiou's activities on the entire Atlantic seaboard, with headquarters at New York City. A. P. Leatherbury continues as district manager. The balance of the present personnel of the company's organization will continue as now constituted. Mr. Anderson is an experienced and capable lumberman, well known to the intercoastal trade through his affiliation with it during the last thirteen years.

The corporation was formed in 1928 as the sales agency on the Atlantic seaboard and tributary area for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. and the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company. Mr. Anderson has just returned to New York after a ten-day visit to the organization offices in San Francisco, Portland and Seattle, in addition to the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. mills at Port Gamble, Port Ludlow and St. Helens, the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company mills at Tacoma, and the extensive logging operations of both companies.

Hoo-Hoo To Enter lts 44th Year

The Reorganization Committee of Hoo-Hoo announces that the BIG BLACK CAT is to be kept alive.

The membership this year was made up of lumbermen in every branch of the industry from nearly every State in the Union, Canada, Panama, Siam, the Philippines and other countries.

Donating their services and keeping office expenses at a minimum, the committee applied over 40 cents of every dollar received from contributions toward redu,cing the debts of the Order.

They promise : To continue their efforts; To keep expenses at a minimum; To pay every cent possible on the old obligations; To keep alive the oldest industrial fraternal order in the world for the benefit of the lumber industry.

They ask the co-operation of all lumbermen in the promotion of "Cooperation and Service" that "Health and Happiness and Long Life" may prevail.

The office will be continued at 742 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.


Annie Chrirtenron

Edwin Christenron


Catherine G. Sudden

Eleanor Chrictenoon

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