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Poor Visability
Little Mose had been to.sunday school for the first time, and when he got home his mother asked him a few questions to discover how he had been impressed by the Bible stories he had heard.
"\l[/hut wuz de Bible story de preachah done tole all you chilluns erbout," she asked him.
Harry F. Vincent, San Francisco, second vice president and general manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., recently spent a few days on business at the company's Los Angeles ofifice.
"Hit wuz bout a fight whut dem lil chilluns of Isrel had wid a whole big ahmy o' joints", said little Mose.
"Dass fine, lil man," said his mother proudly. "An'who wuz hit whut killed Goliath?"
Little Mose thought deeply. "Ah dunno, mama," he said, sort of apologetically. "Ah wuz on de back seat an couldn't see good."
East B.y Club Meets Sapt. 17
The next meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club will be held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, September 17, at 6:09 p.m. Election and installation of the new officers will be the main business of the meeting.
Bob Osgood On Eastern Trip
Bob Osgood, sales manager of the Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., Los Angeles, has left for the east on a business trip. He expects to be away several weeks.
A.new shipment has just arrived. Your orders can be filled promptly while stock lasts.
repair and cabinet shop.
Los Angeles Launches Housing San Diego Building lndustries Act Campaign Meet to Discuss NHA Program
At the first meeting of the Los Angeles Modernization Campaign Committee held at the Chamber of Commerce on September 7, plans were discussed to bring to that section the full benefits of the National Housing Act.
Henry S. MacKay, general chairman of the committee, said: "All owners of real property in Los Angeles County are urged at this time to make a survey of their holdings and decide at once on what repairs, alterations or improvements their property needs. It is hoped that work will be undertaken at once, while the money is available."
Fred W. Marlow, district director of the federal govern. ment's new housing program in Southern California, explained the provisions of the Act.
The campaign will include a house-to-house canvass of the city as well as publi.city through the newspapers, radio and other mediums.
In addition to Mr. MacKay, general chairman, the committee is made up of the following: George Eastman, advisory commiitee; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company, financial committee; Walter Braunschweiger, loans committee; E. L. Ellingwood, building industry committee; Sumner Spaulding, consultation committee; Gordon Whitnall, planning committee; Ri,chard Lacy, general industry committee, and a publicity committee composed of representatives of the five metropolitan newspapers.