2 minute read

How Lumber Looks

California retail lumber dealers report tfiat some business has developed through modernization loans insured by the FHA, and it is expected that improvements of propetty *ill continue to gain as soon as there is a better wide.spread undetstanding of the plans and aims of the Act. Campaigns' in which all branches of tfie building industry are taking a vety active part, are being organized and in nrany sections of the country are already functioning, to acquaint the public of the advantages of the Act and to stimulate interest in home modernization and rqrairs. Reports from Vashington indicate that the Better Housing Program is rapidly gaining momentum. ***

Production was 162r808r(XX) feet, shipments 1E6'399r0fi) feet and orders 16Tr2OtrOW feet according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from 1250 mille for the week ended September firct. Lumber orders boot(ed at t{re mills for the week were the lowest in six weel6 as was also pro' duction, and shipments were lighter than during the three precedingweeks.

New business reported to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association by 546 milis in Oregon and Washington for the week ended Septembet first Y,as 84295'263 f.eet, shipments wete l02r1041885 feet, and production 891671'193 f.et. Shipments were over production by 13.9 pet cent, and orders were under production by 6 per cent. Orders booked for the week wete under the ptevious week by about l2r(X)OrOOO feet ot approximately 12.5 per cent.

Details of orders and shipmenb as rePorted by these 546 mills were as follows: Orders-Rail 2817461357 feet; Domestic Cargo ,t,584,284 feet; Export 10'282,142 feet; Local 1116821280 feet. Shipments-R^il 3l,r40,O7l feeti Domestic Catgo 43rE5E,678 feet; Export 15,22t,896 feet; Local 111682280 feet.

The unfilled ordet file at thece milla stood at 414,645,994 feet, approximately 2l'OOO'(X)O feet under the week before.

Notice o[ Removal

Miss E. M. Dernier announces that since the passing of her brother, the late Floyd A. Dernier, the office of the Lumbermen's Service Association and Dernier's Service Bureau has been moved to 3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles. The telephone number is PArkway 2598. The business will be continued from the above address under the name of the Dernier's Service Bureau.

The Soutfiern Pine Association fo,r the week ended S.pt"otber first, 126 mills reporting, gave new btrsiness as 26149lrOOO feet; shipmants 26r575r(M) feet, and production 19r155r0(X) feet. Orders were 38 per cent above production and .3 pet cent below shipments. Shipments wete 39 per cent above production. Orders on hand at these 126 mills at the end of the week totaled 64rt66.rOOO feeg equivalent to 31065 cars.

The western pirr" a""o"i".r"r L the same week, E9 mills reporting, gave new business as 27r0{l7r0{Ji0 feet, shipments 26rll0rfi)O feet, and production 2Er106r(M) feet. Orders wete 4 Per cent below production and 3 per cent above shipments. Shipments yete 7 p€r cent below production. Orders on hand at the end of the week at these 89 mills amounted to 651104r(XX) feet'

The California Redwood Association for tfie week rcported production from 15 mills as 6r2OlrOOO feet, shipments 7r888r0q) feet, and new business 4,E61r0(X) feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week wete 28,792100O feet. ***

427 hardwood mills for the week ended September first gave new business as 19r01Er0OO feet, or 29 per cent above production, and shipments t7r287r0@, or 17 per cent above ptoduc- tion. Production was I4r7l7,N0 feet.

Cargo arivals at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended September 10 toaled L2J94,OOO feet, which. included 19 cargoes of Fir carrying 11r994r0q) feet, and one cargo of Redwood with 300,0fi) feet. 68 vessels in the coastwige lumber service were operating on September 1o; 32 vessels were laid up. Unsold stocks on the public docks at Loc Angeles harbor on September 10 totaled 920,000 feet.


The sold to

American Lumber Co. of Los Angeles has been the Coast Materials & Lumber Co.

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