1 minute read
Gottonwood Plywood
Right now the farmers have been asked to vote on whether or not they favor continued Government control of production, etc. f don't see how there can be but one side to that vote. If I were a farmer and could make more money by NOT raising stuff than I could by RAISING it, and could get my cash in advance, something tells me I'd become the most enthusiastic non-raiser of crops that this nation has ever known.
On the other hand if I were NOT a farmer but had my everything invested in business or industry and knew that every dime paid to some other fellow for NOT raising something would have to come out of my tax pocket eventually, I would undoubtedly vote as enthusiastically the other way. The Godd Book says it all depends on whose ox is being gored.
The lumber industry, whose code has recently developed into a sort of free-for-all fight, has had various outbreaks lately. The one at Memphis was the most dramatic. The biggest hardwood buyer in the country bought a huge amount of hardwood lumber from more than fifty Southern mills, paying on a basis of about 12 per cent below the code prices for the materials. And, each mill that sold any o{ that lumber furnished a sworn statement that they could make the lumber and sell it at that price with a good margin of profit.
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The hardwood industry held a hurried meeting at Memphis. The authorities announced that they would immediately prosecute the mills that cut the code priceThe industry voted to go on with price fixation. AND THE VERY DAY THEY REACHED THAT DECI. SION THE NEWS CAME FROM WASHINGTON THAT ALL PRICE FIXATION WOULD PROBABLY BE DROPPED FROM CODES. How that helped?
From various and sundry parts of the country come reports of lumber folks that are going ahead in their own way and after their own fashion, to run their business. As this is written the lumber code situation is indeed a sad mix-up, with the cry reaching high heaven that "those who try to do the right lose all the business."
Important developments may be confidently expected-