4 minute read
\(/estern Retail Lumber Dealers Ask NRA to Establish Distribution Policy
A meeting of western retail lumbermen, called to consider the lumber distribution problem, was held at Denver, Colorado, on Friday and Saturday, August 24-25, with representatives of the Retail Lumber Code Authorities of the ten western divisions and members of the western retail lumber dealers' associations in attendance. Homer J. Ballinger, chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Retail Lumber Code Authority, who came from Washington, D. C., to attend the meeting was taken seriously ill soon after his arrival. G. E. DeNike, Newark, N. J., secretary of the National Retail Lumbermen's Association, attended the meeting.
A new lumber organization, the Federated Western Retail Lumber Associations, was formed at the Saturday morning session. The Federation states that the new organization represents a concerted effort on the part of retail lumber associations covering thg entire western and midwestern area of the United States, to establish standards of distribution and merchandising practice, not inconsistent with public interest, which will tend to correct abuses now becoming so widespread and disastrous in their efiect that complete disintegration of the retail lumber industry is threatened.
R. S. Grier, Grier Lumber Co., Cheyenne, 'Wyo., was elected president, and Roy S. Brown, Western Retail Lum. bermen's Association, Spokane, Wash., was elected secretary. The Federation directors, composed of dealer representatives from each division and association secretaries, will meet periodically for the purpose of 'coordinating regional activities. The affiliated associations are: California Retail Lumbermen's Association: Illinois Lumber and Material Dealers Association; Lumbermen's Club of Arizona ' Lumbermen's Association of Texas; Mountain States Lumber Dealers Association: Nebraska Lumber Merchants' Association; Northwestern Lumbermen's Association; Southwestern Lumbermen's Association; Utah Lumber Dealers Association, and Western Retail Lumbermen's Association. l2,l20 dealers, in twenty-two states, are represented by the associations.
The following resolution, requesting that the National Recovery Administration take some action on the question of distribution, was unanimously passed by the Federation:
WHEREAS, the procrastination and seeming unwillingness of the National Recovery Administration to approve a necessary and fair distribution policy for the Lumber Industry has developed a chaotic condition affecting Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers of lumber and lumber products; and
WHEREAS. this ,condition has resulted in an untenable situation and is breaking down not only the retail branch but also the entire industry, therefore
Missouri, New Mexico, Montana, Nevada, Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Texas, Iowa and Nebraska, in joint session held in Denver, Colorado, Saturday, August 25, 1934, petition the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, and the Retail Lumber & Building Material Code Authority to use their utmost endeavor to secure the approval of the following Distribution Statement:
Lumber and Lumber Products
The retail lumber dealers of the States of Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Montana, Nevada, Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, IJtah, Oregon, Washington, Texas, Iowa, Nebraska, members of the Federated Western Retail Lumber Associations, hereby adopt and stand for the following policy of distribution of lumber and lumber products:
Wholesale trade for the territory is defined as follows:
Sales of lumber and lumber products in carload quantities or more:
(1) To wholesale and retail lumber dealers;
(2) To departments of the Federal Government and to and for United States Government river and harbor work except material purchased under Govern- ment Emergency Building. programs; To and for railroads.
For shipyards, underground work in mines, large docks, large dams and large bridges. To large industrials who buy regularly in carload lots for remanufacturing or shipping purposes, but not for construction. and sales in less than carload quantities to wholesale and retail lumber dealers.
Asphalt and/or Asbestos Roofing Materials
The retail lumber dealers of the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Illinois, members of the Federated 'Western Retail Lumber Associations, hereby adopt and stand for the following poli,cy of distribution of asphalt andior asbestos roofing materials:
Wholesale sales of asphalt and/or asbestos roofing material in carload or LCL quantities shall be confined to retail dealers, jobbers, wholesalers and dstributors with the following exceptions, in carload lots:
(1) To departments of the U. S. Government except material purchased under Government Emergency Building Programs.
(2) To and for railroads.
(3) To large industrials for remanufacturing purposes but not for construction.
That the duly accredited representatives of. 12,120 dealers in the States of Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota,
fnsulation and Wall Board
The retail lumber dealers of the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Ilfon- tana, 'Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and lllinois, members of the Federated Western Retail Ltrmber Associations, hereby adopt and stand for the following policy of distribution of all Insulation and Wall Board:
Wholesale sales of all Insulation and/or Wall Board in carload or LCL quantities shall be confined to retail dealers, jobbers, wholesalers and distributors with the following exceptions, in carload lots:
(l) To departments of the U. S. Government except material purchased under Government Emergency Building Programs.
(2) To and for railroads.
(3) To large industrials for remanufacturing and shipping purposes but not for construction. Cement
As regards cement, we recommend that there be closer co-operation between the various states in the Western Area. It is deemed advisable for each state, however, for the present to negotiate with its own sources of supply to secure satisfactory relations in the distribution of cement.
The l2,l2O dealers of this great section, as the result of procrastination in this matter, are fast losing confidence in the National Administration and demand definite, immediate and favorable action on this proposal.
The resolution was submitted by a special committee of distribution which included H. A. Ortmeyer, Wichita, Kansas, Chairman; C. W. Gamble, Boise, Idaho; D. C. Essley, San Francisco, Calif.; J. V. Dobson, Minneapolis, Minn.;