2 minute read
WRONG:"f'w waiting to see utlut thit Wutill do Jor meJ' self familiar with the provirione of the Houring Act you could e4rlain them to thir poccible customer, and encourage him to tate advantage of what the government is naking posoible for him.
RIGHT: "I'm going out and get mt slure oJ this Housing brrsiness uthile ny cotnpetitors ore uoiting."
The government is giving tte lumber induatry a $1,5(X)'(XX),- (XXt modernization pie . it depeadr upon seery individual lumber dealer how big his fice will be.
Right in your own bact yard are neighborr and old customerr who would buy your product if they were modernizing their homec. ff you have made your.
Not only are you helping your own pocketbook, but you are greatly assisting the employment situation in your locality. Your McCormict Lumber Company ealesman can greatly assist you.
G. E. Mellifi, Houston, Texas, and G. E. DeNike, Jersey City, N. J.
Copies of the resolution were sent to the President of the United States; Hugh S. Johnson, Administrator, NRA; G. F. Ashley, Chairman, Industrial Advisory Board, NRA; Constant Southworth, Consumers' Advisory Board, NRA; Peter Stone, Planning & Research Division, NRA; Bernice Lotwin, Legal Department, NRA; Frank A. Hecht, Deputy Administrator, Div. 4; NRA; Control Committee, Lumber Code Authority; National Retail Lumber Dealers Association; Retail Lumber & Building Material Code Authority; All Manufacturers' Trade Associati.ons; All Trade Papers; All Representatives Attending Denver Meetirrgand All Retail Lumber Association Secretaries.
"H.lf A Century in Business"
The C. Ganahl Lumber Co. of Los Angeles, Inglewood and Redondo Beach are observing their Golden Anniversary this year. Commemorating the occasion, they have sent out an announcement, "Half a Century in Business," which reads as follows:
"When this business was founded in the year 1884, even the most ardent believer in the future of Southern California could scarcely have visioned the phenomenal development of Los Angeles and of its surrounding territory.
"We are proud to have contributed, in a substantial measure, to this growth through the distribution of building materials known always for their superior quality, and a service that has, at all times, adequately met the needs of a constantly growing patronage.
"On this, our Golden Anniversary, therefore, we deem it appropriate to pledge a continuance of those policies and practices for which we have been favorably known over so many years, and to assure our valued'customers and a host of friends that our name will always be associated with merchandise of outstandi"ng value."
LCA Urges NRA to Prosccute Large Price Violation
Washington, D. C., August 30-The Lumber Code Authority issued the following statement here today:
"One of our Division agencies has advised us that the Fisher Body Corporation has offered to purchase a large quantity of lumber at prices approximately l2l per cent below the minimum prices established by the Administrator and that orders for about half of the total amount have already been accepted and reported to the Divisional agency. We have been asked by the Division agency to get prompt action from the National Recovery Administration against the code violations involved in these transactions. In discussing the matter with the National Recovery Administration we pointed out that failure to take prompt action in this case, which involves one of the largest corporations in America, would undoubtedly have very serious effects, not only on the price provisions of our Code but the entire Code structure, and we were assured by the National Recovery Administration that they would act promptly against the Code violations involved in this case."